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PUBLIC MARKS from jackiege with tags general & whatis

October 2006

September 2006

Second Life 的社群觀點 | Jedi's BLOG |

***但是在 SL 裡,除了一樣能獲得名聲、成就感以及這種莫名的興奮外,還能夠從創作中獲得實質的、可度量的報酬

Library 2.0 - September 1, 2006 - Library Journal

by 1 other
******What makes a service Library 2.0? Any service, physical or virtual, that successfully reaches users, is evaluated frequently, and makes use of customer input is a Library 2.0 service. Even older, traditional services can be Library 2.0 if criteria a

August 2006

中文 Blog Network 缺的还是钱 - Wangtam

***组成 network 的目的在于,能产生基础的讨论圈子(包括不同领域的信息源交流),能在不同话题的互补下产生与传统资讯的垂直频道相对应的覆盖能力,能把产生的收益平衡的供给各个成员达

中国的 blognetwork 的启动缺了什么? - JoyChan的Blog

***blognetwork 在中国进展缓慢,一个主要原因是 Google Adsense 在中国的“贬值”,这点 keso 和 sayonly 都提到过。不过我认为还存在一个问题,缺乏一个“孵化器”。所谓“孵化器”,说得简单点,En

长尾(一) 在 {言多必得}


赶快开启你的OpenID - Herock Post


商业模式(Business Model) » blog中文翻译

by 1 other

jackiege's TAGS related to tag general

51 +   ads +   adsrank +   api +   attentioneco +   baidu +   BillGross +   bizmodel +   blog +   blogger +   blognetwork +   bookmarklet +   BSP +   business +   c2c +   case +   censorship +   china +   community +   company +   comparison +   crm +   daily +   data +   design +   develop +   dianping +   douban +   ebiz +   education +   forum +   funny +   game +   generator +   google +   googleplex +   howto +   huawei +   ia +   idea +   identity +   im +   iptv +   lava +   library +   library2 +   links +   linux +   longtail +   machinima +   marketing +   mayun +   microformat +   msft +   myspace +   news +   online +   openid +   opensrc +   os +   person +   php +   report +   ria +   rss +   SaaS +   salesforce +   se +   secondlife +   sem +   semweb +   seo +   skype +   sns +   soa +   society +   ssl +   taobao +   telecom +   tencent +   tools +   UCD +   ue +   ugc +   ui +   vc +   viralmarketing +   virtual +   web2 +   web2core +   web2site +   webOS +   websiteabout +   websites +   whatis +   WOM +   www +   YangBo +   youtube +   渠道 +