public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from knann with tags gr1 & mslc

January 2009

Science Up Close

Harcourt Science grades 1-6 with audio narration

June 2008

K-6 Science

MacMillan/McGraw-Hill science editions online with animated and audio content.

September 2007

eWord Game

Companion to textbook Houghton Mifflin Spelling and Vocabulary but still useful for grades 1-6. Hover over the word or definition to hear it read aloud.

February 2007

Time for Kids

by 1 other
Current news articles for grades k-1, 2-3, 4-7. Use with Clicker 5 or WordTalk for text to spech. Find the article, click the Print button. A new, plain web page will appear. Copy and paste directly into Word or a new Clicker document.

October 2005

Jude e-Clock

by 3 others
Nice interactive clock for whole class teaching