October 2009
PPC BidMax: Google Adwords Software & PPC Bid Management Software Tool for Pay Per Click PPC bid management & Reporting for Google, Yahoo and MSN
"The ultimate Online Advertising Campaign and PPC bid management software for the agency and the advertiser. "
June 2009
Microsoftが広告検索における不正クリック問題で訴訟 - japan.internet.com Webマーケティング
"同社によると、1年以上にわたる調査で、「Microsoft のネットワークへの検索要求に応じて表示されるオンライン広告へのリンクを、不正にクリックするという手口が広範囲で使用された」ことが明らかになったという。"
June 2008
Enroll in the Microsoft adCenter accreditation program, Microsoft adExcellence
"The Classroom is your source for in-depth knowledge of Microsoft adCenter and it prepares you for the Microsoft adExcellence accreditation exam. "
March 2008
adCenter Add-in Beta for Excel 2007 - Microsoft Digital Advertising Solutions
"The adCenter Add-inBeta is a keyword research and optimization tool, based in Excel and including the Ad Intelligence model, which enables you to:
* Easily and quickly build out or expand keyword lists.
* Effectively plan keyword strategy based relevance, cost history, volume, demographics, geography, and more.
* Forecast monthly and daily keyword impressions and future trends."
(4 marks)