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PUBLIC MARKS from kzoo with tags auto & of


Shop for Auto Insurance Wisely

Finding a good deal on auto insurance is not easy, but possible. It takes a lot of time and patience, but after everything is calculated and the final decision is made, it is easy to see how important this investigation was.

Lee Iacocca Silver 45th Anniversary Edition Ford Mustang

Lee Iacocca was one of America’s most famous pitchmen. American auto industry is desperate to find a person like him now to help them from sinking like Mr. Iacocca did in 1980’s when Chrysler was about to file bankruptcy.

How to File an Auto Insurance Claim

Filing an auto insurance claim is one of these things everyone hopes they never have to do, but unfortunately some of us will have to do just that on occasion. It is never easy to deal with the aftermath of an automobile accident.

2010 Mini Cooper Crossover Is in Testing

At the 2008 Paris Auto Show the German automaker, BMW has presented an exciting concept, 2010 Mini Cooper Crossover. It is hard to imagine Mini and Crossover in one name, however, the vehicle is gaining popularity and catches attention of many journalists and BMW fans.

Underwater Car Loans

U.S. auto dealers have sold 16.1 million vehicles in 2007. The year after the sales were down by 18% showing only 13.2 million. The statistics of the first two months in 2009 reflexes 30-50% sales drops for various manufacturers which means the sales keep slowing down.

Know about Your Insurance

Auto insurance is required by law in most of the states. Although car owners agree to pay for insurance, in most cases they do not know much about it: what aspects are covered, how they could save, and what are the main factors for insurance rates.

Auto Manufacturers Raise Foreign Countries Economy

We are already used to the thought that if a vehicle belongs to a certain manufacturer it doesn’t necessarily mean it was made in the country of its headquarters. All the big automakers have their assembly plants and auto parts facilities in different countries of the world


2008 Los Angeles Auto Show: BMW Mini E

Next month the automotive world plans to move to Los Angeles to the 2008 Auto Show. BMW is coming there with the presentation of its first all-electric cars, Mini E.

Subaru Impeza Anesis

The auto manufacturers in Japan are concerned the sedans should bring them lots of profit at the Japanese market. Toyota Corolla is doing really good and now Subaru wants to have a piece of this tasty pie by bringing Impeza to the islands

Volkswagen Becomes Third Biggest World Auto Seller

Volkswagen team has worked really hard during this year to increase the sales and put their vehicles to the different markets of the world.

Gadgets That Can Lower Your Texas Auto Insurance Rates

Have you already tried the standard ways of lowering your Texas auto insurance rates like choosing a high deductible and insuring all your vehicles and your home with the same company?


Former Ford Motors Top Exec David Thursfield Occupies seat in Clean Power Technologies Inc.

Former Executive Vice-President of International Operations and Global Purchasing of Ford Motor Company, David Thursfield left the American auto maker to become Executive Board of Directors at Clean Power Technologies Inc. The new company Thursfield will be working for manufactures heat recovery and hybrid power system for vehicle emission reduction.

Novitec Ferrari F430 TuNero

Amidst the countless tuner displays gracing the Frankfurt Messe, one vehicle caught the attention of our lens and caused the hairs on the back of our necks to stand at attention. The Novitec Ferrari F430 TuNero, swathed in matte black from its body to its brake calipers, is pure evil incarnate, and it’s got the motivation to match.

Make Your Ride More Comfortable With New Accessories

Now there exist a great deal of auto parts and accessories to make you ride more comfortable and to personalize it. Why? The matter is in the fact that we spend too much time in our vehicles today so why not make them more attractive. So let’s start!

Volvo hybrid concept: If only lithium were reality

Lithium powered hybrids rock, but they are not yet ready for primetime. Wow! Seriously, could the Frankfort Auto Show become any more focused on green issues, at least in terms of concepts?

Infiniti G37S

The G37 is a sports car by Infiniti which was first featured at the 2007 New York International Auto Show and is available now for sale as a 2008 model. The G37, like its predecessor, the G35 Coupe, is marketed simply as the G Coupe and represents a second generation of this model.

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