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PUBLIC MARKS from kzoo with tags auto & that

May 2009

How to File an Auto Insurance Claim

Filing an auto insurance claim is one of these things everyone hopes they never have to do, but unfortunately some of us will have to do just that on occasion. It is never easy to deal with the aftermath of an automobile accident.

March 2009

New Auto Insurance Step by Step

Since every car has to be insured, it is important to know how to get the best coverage and what would be the right choice for a certain person. Here are a few steps that might be helpful in this situation.

Limited Edition Supercar Tramontana R

Tramontana is a new European auto manufacturer that has Italian origin, but is located in Spain. It designs luxury sports cars. This year it presents a high-power supercar concept named Tramantana R.

January 2009

Auto Manufacturers Raise Foreign Countries Economy

We are already used to the thought that if a vehicle belongs to a certain manufacturer it doesn’t necessarily mean it was made in the country of its headquarters. All the big automakers have their assembly plants and auto parts facilities in different countries of the world

July 2008

What is an Auto GPS?

It used to be that having an auto GPS meant that you were among the elite, but now it is almost an essential piece to traveling in your car. These are truly the coolest thing to happen to your car since power windows and fold out cup holders.

Gadgets That Can Lower Your Texas Auto Insurance Rates

Have you already tried the standard ways of lowering your Texas auto insurance rates like choosing a high deductible and insuring all your vehicles and your home with the same company?

May 2008

The World is Waiting for Two Lexus Hybrid Models

It is already well-known that at the next Detroit Auto Show Toyota is going to represent its third generation Prius hybrid sedan. This model which will be electric motors and powered by enlarged and enforced 1.8-liter engine has been designed to confirm the Toyota’s hybrid leadership, at least for the next few years.

kzoo's TAGS related to tag auto

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