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PUBLIC MARKS from kzoo with tags loss & is

January 2010

Hair Loss Prevention Shampoo

For those who do not agree with the tricks Mother Nature plays on them by thinning their hair, scientists discover all kinds of solutions. One of the options offered is a hair loss prevention shampoo.

November 2009

Reasons for Weight Loss

There are so many people wanting to lose weight, but what is their primary reason to do so? Many of young girls who are in good shape already still think they have extra pounds to work on and they get skinnier and skinner.

Is Green Tea For Weight loss Helpful?

Do you need something to help you to achieve the weight loss that you are striving for? If your answer is yes, you should try using green tea for weight loss.

Facts Behind Hair Loss In Men

Going bald is a fact of life for millions of men. Adults lose about 10,000 scalp hairs each and every day. Hair normally lives for around five years. With male pattern baldness these hairs do not always get replaced and gradually bald areas appear.

Top 5 iPhone Apps for Productivity

Apples App Store downloads surpassed 2 billion in just over a year, at an astonishing rate of 6.6 million downloads per day. With more than 85,000 apps available, iPhone and iPod users are at no loss for options. The iPhone can be as useful as you need it to be, and the potential that it has is amplified even more with the right apps.

September 2009

Weight Loss after Pregnancy

For many new moms extra weight gained with pregnancy is a big deal and they are desperate to get rid of it as quickly as they can, however, as any other weight loss process it takes time and patience.

2 Best Natural Weight Loss Methods

Drink A Minimum Of 8 Glasses Of Water Daily The most important natural weight loss methods is drinking water. To lose weight and keep it away we need to drink a minimum of 8 glasses of water daily.

August 2009

Weight Loss with Acai Berry

There have been a lot of talks lately about an unusual berry called acai (pronounced as ah-sah-ee). It is claimed to be a very healthy fruit which promotes weight loss. Is it a miraculously good berry or acai has simply been advertised too much?

Best Weight Loss Products

Weight loss products the majority of which are diet pills solve the obesity problem easily. One does not need to starve, eat unsavory food, stay on supplements or count calories. It is so much easier to take pills and drop extra pounds.

What Are The Effects Of Weight Loss Supplements

More and more spend hundred and even thousands of dollars yearly on weight loss supplements in the hope of speeding up their metabolism. The main desire is to be attractive and accepted but it is becoming a more difficult goal to achieve.


Xenical (Orlistat) is recommended and prescribed by pharmacists as a weight loss medication that targets the absorption of fat in your body rather than suppressing your appetite.

July 2009

Why Many Are Finally Giving Up on Hair Loss Products

One of the first things you ll find most people who are losing their hair do is search high and low for that one product that will hopefully change things for the better.

Types of Medication That you Can Use to Prevent or Treat Hai

Even though hair loss isnt a life threatening problem, many people who are suffering the said condition can t help but get excited when a new hair loss medication is released on the market.

The Many Hats of Hair Loss

Hair loss is a normal part of life for everyone - as long as it stays normal, gradual hair loss. What about those times when we experience abnormal hair loss or more permanent hair loss?

June 2009

Lose Weight With These 17 Hot Tips

Some $30 billion dollars is spent on weight loss each year as people desperately search and mistakenly believe the answer to looking and feeling good is losing weight.

Hair Loss Statistics

Hair loss affects many people in the world. Some feel uncomfortable about losing hair, the others understand that it is common and do not try to hide it. Hair loss affects both men and women of all ages.

Dht Shampoo For Pre-mature Thinning And Hair Loss

DHT is the leading cause of hair loss in men and a contributor to thinning in women. DHT (dihydrotestosterone) is created by the conversion of 5 alpha reductase enzymes from testosterone.

Is Your Hair Loss Product Worth the Monthly Investment?

How much money are you planning on spending this year before you give up on regrowing your hair? I don t mean to sound pessimistic, but the statistics show that most losing hair will continue to lose it.

Various Cases of Hair Loss in Children

Hair loss in children is more common than people think. Three children out of every hundred have alopecia problems; however, if it is diagnosed right, the hair loss can be successfully treated.

May 2009

Weight Loss Products That Helps To Reduce Weight

Why is losing weight important for fat people? Over-weight people suffer from a greater tendency for serious diseases like heart disease and diabetes. Being over weight lowers your energy levels and you get tired soon. Being over weight has a bad affect on both your physical and mental health.

Top 10 Diet Tips For Weight Loss Success

Our first diet tip is also our most important. We strongly encourage you to seek medical advice before beginning any diet and nutrition program. This is good advice for anyone beginning a new exercise program, as well.

The Truth Behind Green Tea And Weight Loss

Diet supplements have invaded the market today, promising to help you lose weight and provide results within days. If you look closely at the ingredients of these supplements, you will find that green tea is a common ingredient found among these products.

Looking at the Different Ways to Lose Weight

What weight loss products work the best? That is a question that many people often ask when they first decide to lose weight or after they have tried unsuccessfully to drop the extra weight.

5 Hair Loss Products For Men and Women Reviewed

Are there no genuine treatments that sufferers can turn to in a bid to treat the ravages of premature hair loss. Don t despare, Female hair loss and male pattern-type baldness can be treated successfully for most people nowadays. The medical term for hair loss is Alopecia.

April 2009

Male Pattern Baldness and Norwood Scale

Male pattern baldness is the most common hair loss diagnosis in men. It is a permanent type of alopecia (hair loss) which is caused by hormones and genetic predisposition.

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