public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from macroron with tags tagging-sites & folksonomy

February 2006

December 2005

ReaderĀ² - find new books to read, put your reading list online

by 20 others
find new and interesting books through user-defined categories, searches, and popularity among users. find users with similar book taste and see what they read. keep track of your friend's books through RSS feeds.

Wink User Page

a "people powered search engine", search the Web - as discovered by people. a different kind of search engine - searches favorite links from, Digg, Slashdot, Yahoo MyWeb and others to find pages that people have found to be interesting and use

Wink Search Engine Home

by 25 others
a "people powered search engine", search the Web - as discovered by people. a different kind of search engine - searches favorite links from, Digg, Slashdot, Yahoo MyWeb and others to find pages that people have found to be interesting and use

Technorati Kitchen Home

by 2 others
where we put the new stuff we're cooking up while we're still testing it out. Be warned! The stuff in the kitchen may not be perfect - that's why we haven't served it up yet! But if you'd like to give it a taste, we'd love to know what you think.

Squidoo: My Squidoo

A lens is one person's (lensmaster's) view on a topic he cares about. More specifically, a lens is a single web page filled with information and links that point to other web pages, to continually updated RSS feeds, or to relevant advertising. It's a plac

Squidoo: Tag Clouds

A lens is one person's (lensmaster's) view on a topic he cares about. More specifically, a lens is a single web page filled with information and links that point to other web pages, to continually updated RSS feeds, or to relevant advertising. It's a plac

Squidoo Front

by 20 others
A lens is one person's (lensmaster's) view on a topic he cares about. More specifically, a lens is a single web page filled with information and links that point to other web pages, to continually updated RSS feeds, or to relevant advertising. It's a plac

November 2005

LookLater Home

by 2 others
Instant searchable bookmarks in your own FREE and PRIVATE on-line archive. - Bookmark links, pages or images. - Automatically save context with each bookmark. - Search in titles or context or browse by date or site.

SWiK Home

a project to document open-source software. SWiK features template-able wiki pages: SWiK Pages can act like blogs, or like lists of bookmarks, although by default they are just a simple page you can edit whichever way you want.

macroron's TAGS related to tag tagging-sites

$ +   *** +   ***to-read*** +   articles +   blogging +   blogosphere +   blogs +   bms +   bookmarking +   bookmarking-sites +   bookmarks +   books +   business +   collaboration +   communities + + + +   documentation +   download +   extensions +   firefox +   folksonomy +   gadgets +   google-maps +   groups +   howtos +   http +   info+ +   java +   keyword-search +   link-index +   meta-search-engines +   my-blogs-to-read* +   my-firefox-extentions? +   my-firefox-toolbar-bookmarklets? +   my-firefox-toolbar-bookmarks +   my-install-notes +   my-rollyo-search-engine-searches +   my-simpy +   my-simpy-tag-cloud-index +   my-site-search-engines +   my-yahoo +   news +   open-source +   people +   photos +   portals +   programming-development +   programming-languages +   protocols +   reference +   resource-center +   rss +   rss-feed +   rss-feed-aggregators +   rss-feed-readers +   rss-feed-urls +   rss-feeds +   rss-links +   rss-search-engines +   rss-tools +   search +   search-engines +   shopping +   simpy +   site-search +   smtp +   social +   software +   swiki +   tag-cloud +   tag-clouds +   tag-index +   tagging +   tags +   tech-news +   tech-news-readers +   technorati +   to-read +   to-read* +   to-view* +   tool-services + + + +   tutorials +   web-based-applications +   web-development +   web-services +   web2.0 +   weblogs +   wiki +   wikis +   xml +   yahoo +   yahoo-search-save-pages-and-tags +   yahoo-shortcuts +   yahoo-site-explorer +   yrss +