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PUBLIC MARKS from msandler with tag vc

September 2009 » Seth Levine’s VC Adventure: Welcoming the new Lijit Welcome Wijit

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February 2009 » Truth

Truth Image representing Fred Wilson as depicted in ... Image via CrunchBase A Gift to our children- There are a few content creators that add family to their adventures in the Blogosphere,Fred Wilson,Frank Eliason,Louis Gray, Chris Brogan and I am sure there are more ! I grew up lucky since my parents could afford a private education for all three kids, and they were voracious readers. I can see my mother standing in the Kitchen Coffee cup in her left hand book in her right hand reading while standing and watching the stove ! Mom if you were here Naomi and I would buy you a Kindle! This particular post that I have re-blogged is an Every Parent Read Please do ! Truth FEB 10, 2009 11:22A.M. Last night Jessica showed me an essay she wrote after reading DBC Pierre’s Vernon God Little. In the opening paragraph she wrote: DBC Pierre explores the affect of media on citizens, and the greater theme of truth, or rather lack of truth, in everyday life. It was a proud moment for me, because if there is one thing I hope to pass onto my children, it’s the notion that there is no singular truth. I was at a dinner last week where much of the NYC digerati (young and old) were assembled in a lovely apartment on the upper east side. After dinner but before dessert, the hosts initiated a discussion of the obsession of the moment: whither media. At one point, the argument came out that we need journalism to surface the truth. At which point, I sort of lost my composure and argued loudly that there is no truth. There used to be a mantra at the upper right of this blog. I can’t remember what it said exactly, but the gist of it was that there is no absolute truth, just your truth and my truth. I post my truth here everyday and I hope you’ll drop by and share your truth with me. This is the promise of social media. It’s revolutionary. When you give every citizen in the world a printing press, you ought to expect revolution. And it is upon us. new place where each and everyone of us will report on our world and share it with others. Sharing is the new truth. Musings of a VC in NYC Tumblog / Radio / ©Fred Wilson, I follow Mr Wilson and his wife Gotham Gal on Tabbloid tabbloid_2009-02-10_0901-vc Truth. Related articles by Zemanta * Breaking News on the Amazon Kindle 2 ( follow MarshalSandler at Twitter follow me on my krumlr link Enhanced by Zemanta ShareThis

January 2009 » Making Something From Nothing

Making Something From Nothing This may be on of the best post’s of the new year ! From Mr Fred Wilson “That’s a fundamental difference and we cannot ever lose sight of this fact. Nothing costs nothing. We don’t have to pay for our ideas, imagination, and hard work we put into turning nothing into something. Well to be exact, the entrepreneur doesn’t have to pay for any of those things. The VC does pay for those things and gets a piece of the ride from nothing to something as a result.!” January 1, 2009 Fred Wilson Add to it this look up article from Dave Winer on helping friend feed In one of my reblogs I added some thoughts regarding giving free help to Friendfeed Mr Wilson says it better nothing cost’s nothing ! Me below ! “Or better yet have the Executives at Friend Feed follow the folks at Adaptive Blue these people have developed an application for all of us and they will succeed.!” Msandler Making Something From Nothing.

December 2008 » Fred Wilson Dot VC

Fred Wilson Dot VC Mr Wilson takes us to the world of the Supernatural with Ghostery ?

July 2008

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