public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from msandler with tag "social network"

October 2008 » Detroit News Online | Technology

Just activated The Detroit News On Twitter ! Nice to see the News involved in Digital Media ! Detroit News Online | Technology. »

The Inner Bop Circle reviews what shall stand The Test of Time ! Yo Yo Ma, Sarah Brightman,Bach,-Henry Miller, Carlos Fuentes John Dos Passos,- ManhattenTransfer, Lou Donaldson, Bud Powell,Lennie Tristano, Ken Nordine,-Mickey Mouse, Cartoons,Animation, and the Winner Just May be the Puppett ! Related articles by Zemanta » cubicle17 | a tumblelog by Bill Israel

cubicle17 | a tumblelog by Bill Israel Audi corporate logo Image via Wikipedia Evolution of Logos To me, the most interesting evolutions are the ones that result from multiple companies merging (like the Audi logo above). (via swissmiss) cubicle17 | a tumblelog by Bill Israel.

Who just called me? | TechBurgh

Who just called me? Posted by: Andy on Thursday, October 9th, 2008

Flip Bits Not Burgers: It's begun already: the cheap b*stards come racing out of the woodwork

Sunday, October 5 It's begun already: the cheap b*stards come racing out of the woodwork Google Alerts popped yet another gem today. Hot off of craiglist: ".NET web Developer (Albany, NY)" "An award winning web design and development firm in Albany is looking for a motivated Web Developer with a proven track record in developing high end websites and the portfolio to prove it." » Who will be the first to sue Facebook over the site redesign?

This an very interesting article probably the people who redesigned Facebook also designed Automobiles ! Car’s all look like Kidney Bean’s-! “and they don’t sell either !” » FriendFeed Blog: FriendFeed’s first year

FriendFeed Blog: FriendFeed’s first year New FriendFeed room for Squashy Frog Photography Image by .kol tregaskes via Flickr Shared by Steve Rubel FriendFeed’s first year from FriendFeed Blog by Ana Shared by Steve Rubel FriendFeed Blog: FriendFeed’s first year.

September 2008 » Who cares if they hate us? Scripting News : Politically-Correct!

Who cares if they hate us? Scripting News : Politically-Correct! NEW YORK - NOVEMBER 29: The New York Times bu... Image by Getty Images via Daylife This is a true politically correct statement! Who cares if they hate us? Scripting News . » Tubu welcomes Tubu welcomes Carnegie Mellon University campus, with the Un... Image via Wikipedia Dawn Papuga Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Writer, critic, academic, podcaster, and University Lecturer. My writing focus is fiction, but I read everything I can get my hands on. » Search - Authenticities - Edelman Digital

Search - Authenticities - Edelman Digital An advertising insert that ran in issue 27; th... Image via Wikipedia Still one of my best resources for Social Media Data ! Search - Authenticities - Edelman Digital. Related articles by Zemanta » The Escribitionist Girl | Jody Donnelly

The Escribitionist Girl | Jody Donnelly Diary Blog 25-05-2008 Image by ratpoison via Flickr This may just be the best designed blog on the WWW ! Excellent content proper use of type font’s ! Easy to Navigate ! “If you are a blogger, I think it is not wise to identify yourself as a blogger! You should at least identify yourself by something specific in your blogging character. My niche is diary, journal, opinion, travels, freelance and so on. In my niche there is not a lot to specify yourself in, what I think can be your blogging identity then is your voice, your blogging voice. My blogging voice or my writer’s voice is: hilarious, depressive, opinionated, controversial, genuine, unashamed… I think this is something which attracts my readers.!” by Jody Donnelly The Escribitionist Girl | Jody Donnelly. » RevenBlog-A moment at Goddard College-wordsmith

RevenBlog-A moment at Goddard College-wordsmith Sonidos Image by CUEVA2008 via Flickr All About Jason At Revenflo ! RevenBlog. Related articles by Zemanta * WordPress Wednesday News: WordPress 2.7 Final Features, WTC Plugin Contest Winners, WordCamps, Surveys, and More * WordPress 2.7 Features: Wow! Click here to view the XML version of this data » About-Techburgh

Thanks to Techburgh and staff for installing my new theme and Goodies-Marshal Sandler About. ShareThis

Rockstars |

Rockstars Rockstars is YOUR chance to promote YOUR OWN work. If you’re part of [], then you should be on this page. I don’t go out and find you. You drop me a line and I add YOU. : ) Email me : blog [at] chrisbrogan [dot] com , and give me your URL, and your RSS feed and tell me under which category I should list your work. Key Code: * = Audio, ** = Video, no * = Text

digital-with-reblog » Google Chrome - Google Chrome tomorrow in more than 100 countries.

September 2, 2008 Google Chrome - Google Chrome tomorrow in more than 100 countries. Filed under: — Tags: Chrome, Companies, Google, Google Chrome, Open source, Search Engines, Searching, Web browser — Digtital Move's @ 7:58 am Kenworth & ChromeImage by f8 & be there via Flickr This sound’s intersting ! Google Chrome. Related articles by Zemanta * Google Chrome - where art thou? * Google Chrome update: First screenshot, and live-blog alert * First Images of Google Chrome * Get Ready for Google Chrome: New Open-Source Web Browser * Google Chrome: Reading Up While We Wait

August 2008

digital-with-reblog » Long Island and New York City news from - A Long Island Newspaper —

August 25, 2008 Long Island and New York City news from - A Long Island Newspaper — Filed under: — Tags: Brett Favre, Bronx, Brooklyn, Long Island, New York, New York City, Newsday, United States — Digtital Move's @ 11:41 pm NewsdayImage via Wikipedia Last night I watched Bill Oreilly it was a real belly laugh when they reviewed The Newsday Editor and A Cub Reporter who had written the article about a book Oreilly wrote ! It seems the book written by Oreilly had influenced a man to commit a murder ! Is Oreilly really the Manuchrian Candidate ! After looking at Newsday on the web, folks this Newpaper is a dead as Custer ! Let’s look at a few lead stories! Woman arrested for stealing deli meat in Hicksville

digital-with-reblog » Stumpedia

August 21, 2008 Stumpedia Filed under: — Tags: Apple, Business, Marketing, New media, Peer review, Public relations, Social media, Social Rank — Digtital Move's @ 8:21 pm Signature art used on web forumsImage via Wikipedia Interesting Search Engine ! Added Chris Borgan Post ! I like the way it adds key words ! Sort results by: Social Rank DESC - Most Resent - Thumbs Up - Thumbs Down