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PUBLIC MARKS from msandler with tag scriptingnews

January 2009 » Scripting News: 1/2/2009-Technical Gusto

Dave Winer my Vote for Futurist of the Year 2009 ! Dave Winer a man of good taste and exhibits Gusto! Gusto 1 a: an individual or special taste b: enthusiastic and vigorous enjoyment or appreciation c: vitality marked by an abundance of vigor and enthusiasm 2archaic : artistic style A little girl once asked the Great Buckminster Fuller what he was interested in ! Fuller said everything !Richard Buckminster “Bucky” Fuller (July 12, 1895 – July 1, 1983)[1] was an American architect, author, designer, futurist, inventor and visionary. He was the second president of Mensa.[2] He lends his name to a family of complex carbon structures called Buckminsterfullerenes, also known as “Bucky Balls.” My other favorite is Freeman Dyson Freeman John Dyson FRS (born December 15, 1923) is a British-born[1] American[2] theoretical physicist and mathematician, famous for his work in quantum field theory, solid-state physics, and nuclear engineering.

December 2008 » PressThink

Dear Mr Winer as a man of good taste, this is a tasty look at a great Wordsmith I am going to be politically incorrect print it out and put it next to my dradle under the chanukah bush ! At 72 yeara old I still say merry christmas happy chanukah -Feliz Navidad Feliz Ano Nuevo . I think my clear conscience came from my high school read’s and a good Shrink! This choice of Mr Rosen brings back great reads,John Dos Passos,Pablo Neruda,Freeman Dyson, Charles Dickens, Gustave Flaubert, Rudyard Kipling, Herman Melville, Ivan Turgenev, Leo Tolstoy, and Emile Zola, by the time I graduated high school thanks to people like Mr Rosen I had read a lot of the Great Books ! I guess Christmas Eve is the day to announce the Blogger of the Year. It’s only the second time I’ve done it, and I did it last year on this day, and it seems like a good day to do it. That’s what being a real blogger is like. It’s like just feeling like doing something and then doing it. I hope that makes sense. Dave Winer Scripting News Anyway… » Rick Warren is over the top Scripting News

Comment from Scripting news say’s it all -lest we forget joe_rady (joe_rady) 3 hours ago in Rick Warren is over the top (Scripting News) on Scripting News As i’ve said many times before, maybe in todays world it takes a german to spot the nazi, because we know them when we see them. And this Warren guy clearly is! as for “embracing” him in the inauguration: freedom of speech is one thing: offering them a platform and an endorsement is another. Martin Niemöller put it clearly like this: First they came for the communists, and I did not speak out– because I was not a communist; Then they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out– because I was not a socialist; Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out– because I was not a trade unionist; Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out– because I was not a Jew; Then they came for me– and there was no one left to speak out for me. Rick Warren is over the top Scripting News. Related articles by Zemanta * Rick Warren, “Vulgar Huckster” * So Obama has chosen Rick Warren to give the i

October 2008 »

The Inner Bop Circle reviews what shall stand The Test of Time ! Yo Yo Ma, Sarah Brightman,Bach,-Henry Miller, Carlos Fuentes John Dos Passos,- ManhattenTransfer, Lou Donaldson, Bud Powell,Lennie Tristano, Ken Nordine,-Mickey Mouse, Cartoons,Animation, and the Winner Just May be the Puppett ! Related articles by Zemanta » Op-Ed Columnist - The Terrorist Barack Hussein Obama -

Op-Ed Columnist - The Terrorist Barack Hussein Obama - The Audacity of Hope Image via Wikipedia This Article is why Good Newspaper’s Are Necessary ! “But we’re not at Election Day yet, and if voters are to have their final say, both America and Obama have to get there safely. The McCain campaign has crossed the line between tough negative campaigning and inciting vigilantism, and each day the mob howls louder. The onus is on the man who says he puts his country first to call off the dogs, pit bulls and otherwise.” By FRANK RICH » FriendFeed Blog: FriendFeed’s first year

FriendFeed Blog: FriendFeed’s first year New FriendFeed room for Squashy Frog Photography Image by .kol tregaskes via Flickr Shared by Steve Rubel FriendFeed’s first year from FriendFeed Blog by Ana Shared by Steve Rubel FriendFeed Blog: FriendFeed’s first year.

September 2008

digital-with-reblog » RevenFlo » RevenFlo Launches New Website for York School District One, district office and all schools Web Marketing Services

September 2, 2008 RevenFlo » RevenFlo Launches New Website for York School District One, district office and all schools Web Marketing Services Filed under: — Tags: American Civil Liberties Union, Civil rights, Corporal punishment, Education in the United States, North Carolina, School district, United States, United States Department of Education — Digtital Move's @ 8:45 pm Strawberry, North Carolina state red berryImage via Wikipedia Congradulations ! My friend Jason Broadwater a web marketing executive and educator has launched the York School District in to the Digital Age ! Jason write books music and web site development techniques these will be well educated Children! Jason Broadwater is a writer, a musician, and an entrepreneur. He holds a BA and an MFA in writing and taught writing and English at the secondary level for four years. Jason owns and operates Prose Productions, a web and text solutions business. Mr. Broadwater makes his home in North Carolina where he is currently channeling his energies into his literary career.

August 2008

digital-with-reblog » Richard Edelman - 6 A.M.

Richard Edelman - 6 A.M. Filed under: — Digtital Move's @ 4:48 am Image via Wikipedia Always a great read well written ! Richard Edelman - 6 A.M.. Related articles by Zemanta Edelman acquires PR firm of Mozilla, many other tech companies

digital-with-reblog » » Blog Archive » McCain - Race? Not me

August 3, 2008 » Blog Archive » McCain - Race? Not me Filed under: — Tags: Barack Obama, Dave, Dave Winer, Fail Whale, FriendFeed, Iraq, John McCain, Listening, Newsweek, Politics, Presidential, Racism, Robert Scoble, Society and Culture, Twitter, United States — Digtital Move's @ 5:43 pm Barack Obama in St. Paul 2008Image by chad davis via Flickr Dave Winer noted this article ! » Blog Archive » McCain - Race? Not me. Related articles by Zemanta * Joe Trippi nails McCain on playing the race card: McCain - Race? Not me! * Word Map of Obama vs. McCain Blogs

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