public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from msandler with tag stumbleupon.

October 2008 » Taking a Closer Look at Detroit Schools - On Education

Taking a Closer Look at Detroit Schools - On Education DETROIT - SEPTEMBER 28: Democratic presidenti... Image by Getty Images via Daylife It is time now for Detroit Parents to get a New City Council ! Kids who don’t learn don’t earn ! Obama Learned ! Taking a Closer Look at Detroit Schools - On Education Related articles by Zemanta » TradeVibes - Discover find and share information about new top startups and companies

TradeVibes - Discover find and share information about new top startups and companies Picture produced by Drawing Machine 2 Image via Wikipedia I use Trade Vibes to Keep Track of Trends in the Digital Media ! Lijit and Edelman Digital are Trendsetter’s! Edelman Packages Content in an excellent format ! Lijit is a great research Vehicle for finding News ! TradeVibes - Discover find and share information about new top startups and companies.

PodCamp Pittsburgh will be awesome | TechBurgh

PodCamp Pittsburgh 3 (aka PCPGH3) kicks of tomorrow with a meet and greet at the Alpha Lab on Pittsburgh’s South Side and continues with lots of learning, lots of networking, lots of fun, likely lots of drinking throughout the weekend. I’ll be there, with all the cool people. It’s not camping, it’s not camp fires and s’mores (hmm there’s an idea), it’s not (just) geeks and nerds (though there are some there). it’s about blogging and social media, it’s about fun, it’s about networking, it’s about learning, it’s about teaching, it’s about sharing. If you have anything from a facebook or myspace account, a blog, a podcast or all of the above PodCamp is a must. To date there are about 313 people registered, an increase on last year. I know I’m really looking forward to it. It’s not too late to register (it’s free) » Knollenberg has more cash than Peters | | Detroit Free Press

Knollenberg has more cash than Peters | | Detroit Free Press Detroit Free Press Image via Wikipedia I wonder if Money Really Matter’s ! I have listened to Knollenberg and his buddy on their Commericals ! The content is like New Age Music ! No beginning No end Just a Middle Part ! » cubicle17 | a tumblelog by Bill Israel

cubicle17 | a tumblelog by Bill Israel Audi corporate logo Image via Wikipedia Evolution of Logos To me, the most interesting evolutions are the ones that result from multiple companies merging (like the Audi logo above). (via swissmiss) cubicle17 | a tumblelog by Bill Israel.

Flip Bits Not Burgers: It's begun already: the cheap b*stards come racing out of the woodwork

Sunday, October 5 It's begun already: the cheap b*stards come racing out of the woodwork Google Alerts popped yet another gem today. Hot off of craiglist: ".NET web Developer (Albany, NY)" "An award winning web design and development firm in Albany is looking for a motivated Web Developer with a proven track record in developing high end websites and the portfolio to prove it." » Dont Give To Education: Part one Start Here ! Lijit Networks

Dont Give To Education: Part one Start Here ! Lijit Networks Education 1 Image by IllIIl1 via Flickr About Me(Ha) I live in a house by a mountain. Currently, I run business development for Lijit Networks and coach lacrosse. In addition, I work with startups helping them where I can. I have two dogs, Billie and Taylor, and three cats, Winston, Calin and Max. » Who will be the first to sue Facebook over the site redesign?

This an very interesting article probably the people who redesigned Facebook also designed Automobiles ! Car’s all look like Kidney Bean’s-! “and they don’t sell either !” » FriendFeed Blog: FriendFeed’s first year

FriendFeed Blog: FriendFeed’s first year New FriendFeed room for Squashy Frog Photography Image by .kol tregaskes via Flickr Shared by Steve Rubel FriendFeed’s first year from FriendFeed Blog by Ana Shared by Steve Rubel FriendFeed Blog: FriendFeed’s first year.

September 2008 » Who cares if they hate us? Scripting News : Politically-Correct!

Who cares if they hate us? Scripting News : Politically-Correct! NEW YORK - NOVEMBER 29: The New York Times bu... Image by Getty Images via Daylife This is a true politically correct statement! Who cares if they hate us? Scripting News . » RevenBlog-A moment at Goddard College-wordsmith

RevenBlog-A moment at Goddard College-wordsmith Sonidos Image by CUEVA2008 via Flickr All About Jason At Revenflo ! RevenBlog. Related articles by Zemanta * WordPress Wednesday News: WordPress 2.7 Final Features, WTC Plugin Contest Winners, WordCamps, Surveys, and More * WordPress 2.7 Features: Wow! Click here to view the XML version of this data

August 2008

digital-with-reblog » About Me- Christopher Finke

About Me- Christopher Finke Filed under: — Tags: Add-on, Firefox, Google, IBM, Jason Calacanis, Knol, Mahalo, Steve Rubel — Digtital Move's @ 9:09 am Image representing Mahalo as depicted in Crunc...Image via CrunchBase, source unknown I enjoy seeing people who work at firms and are allowed to also produce for the Blogging Community and donate their work ! Another example is Wordle produced by a gentleman at IBM