public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from msandler with tags stumbleupon. & fleck

28 September 2008 » Who cares if they hate us? Scripting News : Politically-Correct!

Who cares if they hate us? Scripting News : Politically-Correct! NEW YORK - NOVEMBER 29: The New York Times bu... Image by Getty Images via Daylife This is a true politically correct statement! Who cares if they hate us? Scripting News .

17 August 2008

digital-with-reblog » About Me- Christopher Finke

About Me- Christopher Finke Filed under: — Tags: Add-on, Firefox, Google, IBM, Jason Calacanis, Knol, Mahalo, Steve Rubel — Digtital Move's @ 9:09 am Image representing Mahalo as depicted in Crunc...Image via CrunchBase, source unknown I enjoy seeing people who work at firms and are allowed to also produce for the Blogging Community and donate their work ! Another example is Wordle produced by a gentleman at IBM