public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from msandler with tag tech

September 2009 » “We don’t see things as they are We see things as we are!” Talmud

Occasionally I get an E Mail from some- one questioning what I add to my website! If they read my About page it might give them some insight but then they couldn’t rag on me. “ Why do you add so many Google features or how come you feature The Bing Blog and the Lijit Search Box! ” I could tell them that Andy Quayle at Tech burgh my web hosting service is a Google Expert and has thru his blog taught me about Google! Lijit is not only a great addition to any website but has the best tech support on the WWW. The Bing Blog is a great read and also a fun search application! I use all my blog features period no favorites! My reblogs are done with Zemanta and I add good stuff with Apture

February 2009

So Should a Business Be On Twitter?-Comcast Cares

February 14, 2009 So Should a Business Be On Twitter?-Comcast Cares Image representing Seth Godin as depicted in C... Image by via CrunchBase I would rather tweet a request than land in voice mail jail or have an e mail ignored-following your customers on Twitter is to me a great way to give service ! This last week I had to contact GMAC about my car lease after 5 minutes I wound up in Manila the Week before I had to contact AT&T about my bill got locked in Voice mail Jail, if either firms had been monitoring twitter they could respond-all service companies belong on twitter, if they care ! I have resolved any service problems with Comcast thru Twitter and their Service Comcast Cares . I once wanted more information on Comcast Web Mail that has been really beefed up ! I twittered got great response from a Tech at Comcast - Of course I am a fan of Comcast Cares they don't confuse efforts with results and their increased customer base proves it ! I also would not object if Comcast or any other firm I do business with advertised their services on Twitter ! I have A Squidoo Lense-Squidoo is a company founded by Seth Godin they informed me about their new tool bar ! I intstalled it is exellent but Squidoo has the brains to inform users - Talk to your customers they will listen ! I want ot thank My Friend in NY Dr Lev Selector for rebuilding my site When you are 72 years old you need a Tech Friend ! So Should a Business Be On Twitter?. Related articles by Zemanta * More Insight into Twitter: To Do or Not To Do? ( * Rethinking Twitter for Business | The Harte of Marketing ( * Custom Twitter Page for Wordpress Blog ( * Social Media Desktop ( * Yahoo Joins Twitter ( * Twitter Gets Another Round of Founding: Raises $35 Million ( * Seth Godin Explains Why You Need a Tribe and Why he is Not on Twitter ( * Squidoo Releases Twttrstrm.Com, A New Tool For Gathering Feedback From Your Twitter Followers ( * Loic Le Meur Blog: Seth Godin Explains Why You Need a Tribe and Why he is Not on Twitter ( * Twittelator Pro 1.6.2 and Twittelator Free 1.3 ship from Big Stone Phone ( * How to Sell Twitter to a Client (Or Even Your Own Boss) ( * Why does Comcast care about Twitter? (Video) ( Twitter follow MarshalSandler at Seth Check out my lens Software tracking

January 2009

October 2008

[trends] iPhone vs. .Google Phone | TechBurgh

TechBurgh * TechBurgh Ticker ↑ Grab this Headline Animator * Categories o Apple Tech o Blog Tech o Blogroll o Browser Tech o Chris Brogan Inspired o Competitions o Contributors o Definitions o E3 o Facebook o Fashion Tech o Free Tech o Gadget Tech o Gaming o Girl Tech Girls o Google Tech o Green Tech o Home Tech o Hulu o ITPittsburgh o Kid Tech o Media Tech o Microsoft Tech o Mobile Tech o Podcamp o Questions Answered o Security Tech o Site Reviews o Social Tech o Syndicated Content o TechBurgh Podcasts o TechBurgh Tech o Tutorials o Twitter Tech o Uncategorized o Vehicle Tech o Video Tech o WebApp Wednesdays o Word Wide Tech o Wordpress * * Users o Log in o Entries RSS o Comments RSS o * Archives o October 2008 o September 2008 o August 2008 o July 2008 o June 2008 o May 2008 o April 2008 o March 2008 o February 2008 o January 2008 o December 2007 o November 2007 o October 2007 o September 2007 o August 2007 o July 2007 o June 2007 * Pittsburgh Bloggers * Add to Technorati Favorites * * PageRank Tubu Powered Icon Add to Mixx! Quantcast * * View blog authority * Blog Network: Name: Topics: tech, news, gadgets Join my network Blog Networks [trends] iPhone vs. .Google Phone Posted by: Andy on Thursday, October 2nd, 2008

September 2008 » About

About Please be advised that this web site has been constructed at my own cost as a personal vehicle to promote for the most part content of people I feel contribute to developing among Other things the Social and Technical aspects of the World Wide Web ! I bring in feeds from Other peoples web logs and do not claim the content to be created by me ! If you browse the site it is obvious you will see this is fact ! I have devoted a Free Page to Mariner Software, because I use their products and find them reliable and the company has excellent tech support ! When I use a certain feature in word-press to grab a website and post it I try and add a comment describing the page ! This should make it obvious it is some one’s web page not mine ! In my opinion this is not what Nerds call Scraping ! I have alway’s let the owners of the feeds know what I am doing to date not one feed owner has said STOP ! They know my site has no affiliate links and I am not generating revenue from their Content ! If you do have a problem please ! is a playground of ideas, introductions, and synergies. Marshal exhibits a blogging style that is less about tamping out his thoughts and more about the juggling, rearranging, juxtaposing, and syndicating of the content of other people and companies - a communications cubism of sorts. There’s no room for crap, but there is plenty of room for friendly people with interesting ideas. Marshal’s day is the search for new technologies, new ideas, new relationships, and new things to curse happily about. So, participate. Cut bait.

August 2008

digital-with-reblog » I got an interesting E Mail this AM!

I got an interesting E Mail this AM! Filed under: — Tags: Algonquin Park, Algonquin Provincial Park, Celia Cruz, Detroit Michigan, Detroit Country Day School, Lennie Tristano, Michigan, Oh My !, Tito Puente — Digtital Move's @ 1:10 pm Puente guest-starred as himself in a famous tw...Image via Wikipedia I got an e-mail this AM ! The writer was angry because ! I have feeds for Edelman Tech Crunch and a few others on my site and am using them to create Stats ! Stats are Ok if your selling something My site is not ! I did not reply to the E Mail I took it into the smallest room in my house and put it behind me !

digital-with-reblog » From the Desk of David Pogue - David Pogue’s Gadget List of 2008 -

August 7, 2008 From the Desk of David Pogue - David Pogue’s Gadget List of 2008 - Filed under: — Tags: Apple, Arts, David, David Pogue, iPhone, News and Media, One Laptop per Child, People,, Religion and Spirituality, The New York Times, United Kingdom — Digtital Move's @ 5:05 pm Sony OLED DisplayImage by For Inspiration Only via Flickr May be best Tech Column Yet ! From the Desk of David Pogue - David Pogue’s Gadget List of 2008 - Related articles by Zemanta

msandler's TAGS related to tag tech

advice +   bing +   comcast +   detroit +   edelman +   lijit +   marketing +   micropersuasion +   NYT +   social media +   social network +   teamwork +   techburgh +   tumblr +   twitter +   video +   wordpress +   yahoo +