public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from nhoizey with tags développement & dev


What is front-end development? | Help |

"on the web, pages and appplications are built by front-end developers to present and put data or relationships in context"

A Brief, Incomplete, and Mostly Wrong History of Programming Languages

by 1 other
"1995 - At a neighborhood Italian restaurant Rasmus Lerdorf realizes that his plate of spaghetti is an excellent model for understanding both the World Wide Web and that web applications should mimic their medium. On the back of his napkin he designs Programmable Hyperlinked Pasta (PHP). PHP documentation remains on that napkin to this day."



Sparkle - Trac

by 4 others
Sparkle is a module that developers can stick in their Cocoa applications (five-step install!) to get instant self-update functionality.

BecomeAnXcoder | CocoaLab

Bert Altenburg, author of AppleScript for Absolute Starters, in co-operation with Alex Clarke and Philippe Mougin, has released a book for newcomers to Cocoa programming using Objective-C and XCode.


Recommended PHP reading list

by 2 others (via)
Learn about PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor) with this reading list compiled for programmers and administrators by IBM Web application developers.


MSDN – Centre de développement Web

by 3 others
Votre coach ASP.NET vous guide à la découverte du développement Web sur la plateforme .NET de Microsoft. Étape, par étape suivez votre coach qui vous accompagne au travers d’un cursus de d’initiation et de prise en main des concepts, des technologies et des outils.