public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from nhoizey with tags rdf & flickr

February 2007

Flickcurl: C library for the Flickr Web Service API

by 2 others
This utility uses the photos.getInfo API to interpret the description fields and the tags for a photo URI into RDF triples. If raptor is present, it will be used to provide proper serializing to RDF rather than the built in and hacky ntriples/turtle output. Machine tags when they are found are scanned for xmlns:prefix=uri and then all other machine tags with that prefix turn into triples. Several prefixes are also pre-defined by the library to automatically get turned into triples without an xmlns, such as blue:, cell:, filter: and geo:. Non-machine tags are not yet interpreted.

May 2005

Connecting Social Content Services using FOAF, RDF and REST

by 7 others (via)
A growing number of "social content" applications such as Flickr,, audioscrobbler, and AllConsuming are making open web services part of their core offering to end users. These interfaces allow users to query, share, and manipulate the data managed on their behalf by these social content applications.

April 2005