public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from oqdbpo with tag design

October 2010

April 2010

Dribbble - What are you working on?

by 5 others
Show and tell for designers in 120,000 pixels or less.

February 2010

Balsamiq Mockups Home | Balsamiq

by 8 others
Put that pencil down Using Balsamiq Mockups feels like you are drawing, but it's digital, so you can tweak and rearrange controls easily, and the end result is much cleaner. Teams can come up with a design and iterate over it in real-time in the course of a meeting.

iPlotz: wireframing, mockups and prototyping for websites and applications

iPlotz allows you to rapidly create clickable, navigable mockups and wireframes for prototyping websites and software applications. Create a project, add wireframe pages with design components and discuss your creations with others.

Search Patterns: Design for Discovery

Search is among the most disruptive innovations of our time. It influences what we buy and where we go. It shapes how we learn and what we believe. This provocative and inspiring book explores design patterns that apply across the categories of web, e-commerce, enterprise, desktop, mobile, social, and real time search and discovery. Using colorful illustrations and examples, the authors bring modern information retrieval to life, covering such diverse topics as relevance ranking, faceted navigation, multi-touch, and mixed reality. Search Patterns challenges us to invent the future of discovery while serving as a practical guide to help us make search applications better today.

Action for Children | UK children's charities | charity organisation | Children's organisations

Action for Children We are a children's charity that supports and speaks out for the UK's most vulnerable and neglected children and young people

December 2009

アイコンデザインガイドライン(Icon Design Guidelines)とは - 逆引きAndroid入門

アイコンデザインガイドラインとは、Android環境に適したアイコンを作成するための指針であり、 アイコンデザイン時、このガイドラインに従って作成していくことで、一貫性のあるユーザーインターフェースを提供できるだけでなく、 プロフェッショナル感が増しますので、アプリケーションの(見た目の)価値も向上させることができます。

24 ways - web design and development articles and tutorials for advent

by 70 others, 1 comment
24 ways is the advent calendar for web geeks. Each day throughout December we publish a daily dose of web design and development goodness to bring you all a little Christmas cheer.

October 2009

September 2009

Beop Beam Central
