public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from oqdbpo with tag project

February 2010

ユーザー エクスペリエンス ポータル PROJECT UX

PROJECT UX では優れたユーザー エクスペリエンス (UX) の実現を志す開発者の皆様と供に、より使いやすいアプリケーションやサービスがもっと世の中に増えることを目的として活動します。Web サイトやニュースレターでの情報提供を中心にマイクロソフトからの新しいテクノロジーの紹介や、同じ志を持って取り組んでいる方々のご紹介を行います。

100redesigns of companies' not so good looking websites

My goal is to show companies how simple, clean and properly working website helps to get loyal clients, optimize business processes and, eventually, make more profit. Corporate websites can and must compete with modern web startups and provide an even better user experience. I'm a web-developer with a 6-year experience in the industry and I enjoy getting together all parts of the project and watching how it works.

December 2009

October 2009

Projected light and thermal-imaging technology are used to create jaw-dropping interactive playing arenas in which the physical movements of players determine the outcome of the games. Develop your game-playing skills as you progress through a number of levels to help your area to victory or to simply have fun. Games repeat in ten minute cycles. Great Street Games is open to everyone and does not exclude those with limited mobility.


医療の先進国である日本で、 まだひとつもない、 小児がんの専門病院。 それを、 まずひとつ、つくりたい。 つくるなら、 中途半端なものではなく、 夢の詰まった病院にしたい。 その「ひとつの病院」は、 子どもたち全員と 関わることは できないけれど、 全員にとっての、 ひとつの希望にはなる。 そう信じています。 小さな子どもたちを想う、 大きなプロジェクト。 ぜひ、参加してください。

September 2009

DPA Project Archive


••• hello | HotGloo •••

by 3 others
HotGloo The Online Wireframe Application * smoothen the planning process * get a clearer picture of site informations * provide a precise framework for designers & programmers * build up a more intense project relationship with clients * improve the communication process

July 2009

Curb™ The natural media company, green marketing, creative agency, clean advertising, guerilla marketing, sustainable marketing, sand sculpting.

CURB offers a unique portfolio of sustainable media, with a proven track record of generating enormous awareness at minimal cost to the environment. Our natural experts use only sustainable earth elements to create everything from national advertising campaigns to astounding corporate art. Ultimately we just love to do cool things with nature.

November 2008

October 2008


Design Showcase®は、リクルートの公開している情報を使った作品を、新進気鋭のデザイナー達とコラボレーションしながら提案するプロジェクトです。 第2回のテーマは、「旅」。 4組のデザイナーが、エイビーロードの10万件を超える旅行ツアー情報を使った作品を提案しています。 デザイナーごとに異なる世界観をぜひお楽しみ下さい。

August 2008

タイコクラブオフィシャルサイト: Art Project

TAICOCLUB Art Project は、渋谷にあります街頭ビジョンシブヤテレビジョン) 協力のもと2月1日よりスタートしました。 当プロジェクトでは、1日200万人もの人が訪れる渋谷の街頭ビジョンを 映像作品の展示場所ととらえ、各分野における一流クリエイター達が 「What makes you smile ?」のテーマを元に、独自の世界観による映像作品を公開していきます。

July 2008

June 2008

May 2008

Freshest Web Design in Northern Ireland

FRESHEST is a small web design company based in Northern Ireland. When I say small I actually mean just me, Bill Morrison. I have been designing webs for about six years now. Please do get in touch if you have a web design project you would like me to work on.

OpenProcessing - Exhibition Space for Processing Community

by 2 others (via)
Processing is an open source programming language and environment for people who want to program images, animation, and interactions. It is an open project initiated by Ben Fry and Casey Reas, and it can be freely downloaded from You can find many tutorials and examples at learning. OpenProcessing is a 'flickr'ish place for processing community to share their sketches, comment on each other's pieces, etc..

Experiential Typography | One Day Poem Pavilion | Jiyeon Song

by 1 other
The results of an extensive exploration with shadows, the One Day Poem Pavilion demonstrates the poetic, transitory, site-sensitive and time-based nature of light and shadow. Using a complex array of perforations, the pavilion’s surface allows light to pass through creating shifting patterns, which–during specific times of the year–transform into the legible text of a poem. The specific arrangements of the perforations reveal different shadow-poems according to the solar calendar: a theme of new-life during the summer solstice, a reflection on the passing of time at the period of the winter solstice. The time-based nature of the poem–and the visitor’s time-based encounters with it–allow viewers to have different experiences either seeing a stanza of the poem or getting the whole poem. All of these possible experiences are equally valuable and have meanings unique to the individual. This technique has the potential for producing particular effects and meanings within an architectural environment. Without the use of a source of power other than the sun, this project uses light and shadow to push the boundaries of communication and experiential delight.

John Resig - Processing.js

As a sort-of reverse birthday present I've decided to release one of my largest projects, in recent memory. This is the project that I've been alluding to for quite some time now: I've ported the Processing visualization language to JavaScript, using the Canvas element. I've been working on this project, off-and-on now, for the past 7 months - it's been a fun, and quite rewarding, challenge. The full scope of the project can be broken down into two portions:

April 2008

Loveleft | graphic design

by 2 others
What about me? I'm an Italian designer based in Milano - Italy. I'm currently working at Zetalab studio and I'm always interested in any innovative projects, meant to promote the good graphic design culture. Stefano Joker Lionetti I've got a deep passion in everything about Type Design and Typography, so my final degree project at Politecnico di Milano was named lazydog. What about lazydog? Take a look at lazydog website. Stefano Joker Lionetti Please don't ask me to increase the size of your logo, it's not an extension of your penis. Please don't ask me to set a text in Arial, Comic Sans or Times New Roman: I'm definitelly not interested on it.