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PUBLIC MARKS from oqdbpo with tag technology


Tech Wave



Joshua Davis | Studios

by 10 others
Joshua Davis is a New York based artist, designer, and technologist producing both public and private work for companies, collectors, and institutions. Since 1995, Joshua Davis has been using technology and computers as a medium to create projects that a recent Apple Pro Profile touted as infinitely interesting.


The Breadboard Band

The Breadboard Bandは、ブレッドボードを用いて音楽を演奏するバンドです。ブレッドボードは電子回路を設計・検証するために電子部品を取り付ける端子孔がグリッド状に穿たれたボードです。電子部品を簡単に取り付けたり、外したりすることができ、ジャンパー・ワイヤーで配線を変更することも容易です。このようなブレッドボードの特徴を活かして、The Breadboard Bandは実験的な音響回路や映像回路をボード上に作り上げ、回路を組み替えることで演奏を行います。

OCZ Technology | Products | OCZ Peripherals | nia - Neural Impulse Actuator

OCZ’s Neural Impulse Actuator (nia) marks a new era in gaming. Rather than being a substitute for a mouse, the nia is a pioneering new peripheral to be used in conjunction with your mouse for a more immersive gaming experience. The nia is compatible with any PC game using keyboard input… past, present, or future. Predefined profiles included with the software allow the gamer to develop their own nia—memory to launch the desired behavior of their character and shoot with the “blink of an eye”, without lifting a finger.


ロボット技術、文化、社会をcreation(創造)& recreation(楽しみ)するポータルセンター

床に敷いた絵が立って見える 凸版が裸眼立体視で新技術 - ITmedia News


About | Eyebeam Labs

Eyebeam's Labs provide a fertile context and state-of-the-art tools for digital research and experimentation. They are a lively incubator of creativity and thought, where artists and technologists actively engage with culture, addressing the issues and concerns of our time. Our fellows and resident artists challenge convention, celebrate the hack, educate the next generation, encourage collaboration, freely offer their contributions to the community, and invite the public to share in a spirit of openness: open source, open content and open distribution.


Open Handset Alliance

A commitment to openness, a shared vision for the future, and concrete plans to make the vision a reality. Welcome to the Open Handset Alliance™, a group of more than 30 technology and mobile companies who have come together to accelerate innovation in mobile and offer consumers a richer, less expensive, and better mobile experience. Together we have developed Android™, the first complete, open, and free mobile platform. - Web Technology Profiler

by 4 others
Web Page Technology Profiler Find out what a site is built with.



My research is on robot design and looking at the ways in which the functions and applications of intellectual machines can be recognized. Thus the exterior design of such technologies must convey visually the information system within. The rapid evolution of technology necessitates an even more sophisticated approach to the visual design system in order for the project identity to become instantly recognizable. The power of design to integrate into our cognitive functions meaning is achieved by the suggestion of form. The sophistication of intelligence is achieved through the symbiosis of art and science and the role in which design plays to enhance the beauty of the other.

SunSPOTWorld - About Us, Who are we?

by 1 other
Project Sun SPOT (Sun; Small Programmable Object Technology) is a snapshot of ongoing research in Sun Microsystems Laboratories. Established in 1990, Sun Labs, with locations in California and Massachusetts, is the applied research and advanced development arm of Sun Microsystems, Inc. Sun Labs is one of the ways Sun invests in the future -- the Labs is responsible for many of the technology advancements and inventions that have made Sun a technology powerhouse.

INITION | Project - Virtual Fluid

We are at the cutting edge of an exciting new technology that allows full-body, unencumbered interaction within a virtual environment, enabling the user to interact using nothing more than the movements of his/her body. This sort of interaction relies on digital cameras interfaced to the PC to pick up motion.



oqdbpo's TAGS related to tag technology

3d +   art +   artist +   artists +   blog +   design +   digg +   electronic +   experiment +   flash +   Flash Design +   free +   future +   game +   geek +   guitar hero +   inspiration +   installation +   interaction +   interactive +   it +   japan +   japanese +   labs +   livedoor +   magazine +   make +   mobile +   mobile phone +   mouse +   music +   news +   pc +   photo +   podcast +   portal +   portfolio +   reference +   robot +   share +   software +   sun microsystems +   Sun SPOT +   Tatsuya Matsui +   tips +   tools +   tutorial +   video +   web +   web design +