Ideas worth spreading, online videos, streaming, talks, conferences, download video/sound
Public Library of Science
by 6 othersPLoS is a nonprofit organization of scientists and physicians committed to making the world's scientific and medical literature a freely available public resource. All our activities are guided by our core principles.
directory of open access journals
by 14 othersfull text scientific (from archeology and arts to maths and history..) journals
max planck gesellschaft - open access scientific library
The "Berlin Declaration on Open Access to Knowledge in the Sciences and Humanities" initiated by the MPS and signed on 22nd Oct 2003 by major European research institutions and funding agencies is a clear commitment to encourage researchers to publish their work according to the principles of the open access paradigm.
The Max Planck Society pursues two parallel roads towards open access:
institutional self-archiving of research output on the eDoc server publications by its researchers in open access journals.
Nicolas Tesla - Master of Lightning
all about the works of tesla whose inventions al came to him in dreams and who patented more than 700 inventions. inventor of the Strahlenwaffe, wireless electricity that would be equally distributed ..
(6 marks)