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PUBLIC MARKS from sbrothier with tags 3d & html5

23 May 2013 15:45

auduno/headtrackr · GitHub

by 1 other (via)
headtrackr is a javascript library for real-time face tracking and head tracking, tracking the position of a users head in relation to the computer screen, via a web camera and the webRTC/getUserMedia standard. For a demonstration see this video or try out some of the examples with a laptop that has a camera and a browser that has camera webRTC/getUserMedia support (for instance Opera 12). For an overview of browsers supporting the getUserMedia standard see

23 May 2013 15:30

Move a Cube With Your Head or Head-Tracking with WebGL - Learning Three.js

This post is about head tracking and how to use it in 3D. It is surprisingly easy to do with the suitable libraries. We will experiment with headtrackr.js and three.js. headtrackr.js is a nice library from auduno to do head tracking in the browser. You will learn how to do head tracking in webgl in only 20lines of javascript. I love the web and how easy it is :)