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PUBLIC MARKS from sbrothier with tags photography & museum


MIT Visualizing Cultures

These photos of men and women from different walks of life catered to foreign curiosity about the "exotic" Japanese. Most were taken in Beato's studio in Yokohama. Album courtesy of the Smith College Museum of Art.


Werner Bischof: In the Court of the Meiji Temple, Tokyo, Japan (59.559.4) | Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History | The Metropolitan Museum of Art

An early member of the Magnum photo agency (he was admitted in 1949), Bischof worked mostly in Asia. His early training in applied art and graphic design imbued him with a keen formal eye, which was consistently in evidence as he worked to document newsworthy events and experiences. Here he has captured the delicate furor of a heavy snowstorm while photographing monastic life at the Meiji temple in Tokyo.


The American Image - The Photographs of John Collier Jr.

The American Image: The Photographs of John Collier Jr. was developed with a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities. The Maxwell Museum of Anthropology and College of Education’s Technology & Education Center (TEC) at the University of New Mexico collaborated with Ideum to develop this interactive website. Most of the photographs that appear on this site were taken for the Farm Security Administration/Office of War Information (FSA/OWI) during the war years of the 1940s. The FSA/OWI hired John Collier Jr. to document day-to-day life in America with a focus on issues of civil defense and public morale. The images that appear in the collection were taken from across the country, from New Mexico to Maine and provide a snapshot of ordinary life in those extraordinary times.


Improve your photography with clasical art.

by 10 others (via)
Adjusting your photographs to get the color 'just right' can be a chore. Think about this: The Old Masters of painting spent years of their lives learning about color. Why let all their effort go to waste on the walls of some museum when it could be used to give you a hand with color correction?


Winkler Collection of Boxing Photographs

The Harry E. Winkler Photographic Collection includes more than 7,500 different boxing related images in various formats.

The Ballerina Gallery - Ballet Photos

by 1 other
This collection of ballerina photos is a tribute to all these great ballerinas.



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Das Typemuseum zeigt Fundstücke aus vielen Ländern – Fotos von Schriften, Logos, Zeichen, Pictogrammenn, Buchstaben, Wappen und anderen typografischen Werken. Das Typemuseum versteht sich als ein offenes Forum der Diskussion und Auseinandersetzung über visuelle Alltagskommunikation und versucht durch Gegenüberstellungen und analytische Beschreibungen einen Blick auf mögliche Hintergründe und Motive für konkrete Gestaltungsformen zu werfen. Es kommen fast tägliche neue Exponate hinzu. Es lohnt sich daher, immer wieder einmal vorbeizuschauen.