public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from sledge with tags ajax & web

02 July 2005 ≈ AJAX Login System Demo

by 12 others (via)
Creating a secure login system using XMLHttpRequest This is an example of a login system that does not require page refreshes, but is still very secure.

28 June 2005

AJAX Matters - Asynchronous JavaScript and XML and XMLHTTP development information

by 17 others (via)
AJAX Matters is an informational site about AJAX (short for "Advanced Javascripting and XML" or "Asynchronous JavaScripting and XML") and how these technologies are applied to web development.

Backbase - Rich Internet Applications

by 10 others
With Backbase software you can quickly create user-friendly and highly interactive Rich Internet Applications. These applications are based on Web Standards and can be viewed in almost any modern web browser without installing any plug-ins. Backbase is ideally suited to create the presentation layer of web applications, especially if ease of use and time-to-market are essential. Adoption of the Backbase software will allow you to communicate more effectively with your customers, and improve the productivity of your web developers.

22 June 2005

11 June 2005

sledge's TAGS related to tag ajax

dragdrop +   jabber +   javascript +   spellcheck +   tutorial +   usabilité +   web +