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PUBLIC MARKS from sledge with tags debian & installation

January 2006

July 2005

Java on Debian

A quick mini-howto install Java on Debian

Debian Administration :: Using the GPG signature checking with apt 0.6

If you're running a Debian Unstable installation you'll likely have noticed that new package installations, and upgrades, are now prompting for confirmation - warning about package checking. This is because the most recent version of APT supports checking package signatures with GPG.

Debian Administration :: Installing Debian onto USB flash media with everything encrypted.

by 2 others
This is a simple procedure for installing Debian GNU/Linux onto a USB key flash media. It includes several configuration changes but tries to stay as close to a default debian install as possible. This is useful for administrators that need to carry sensitive information or people concerned about their privacy.

sledge's TAGS related to tag debian

administration +   backup +   developper +   expert +   install +   installation +   java +   linux +   nslu2 +   tutorial +   ubuntu +   usb +   virtualization +   vserver +   web +   xen +