June 2009
Easy CakePHP rapid-development PHP aid
CakePHP is a stable production-ready, rapid-development aid for building Web sites in PHP. Learn how to install and configure CakePHP, the basics of MVC design, how to validate user data in CakePHP, how to use CakePHP helpers, and how to get an application up and running quickly using CakePHP.
February 2008
Zend, symfony, and CakePHP cron task automation
A short few years ago, a common criticism about PHP was that it did not support MVC-style architectures. Today, developers can chose from many PHP frameworks. This article shows you how to integrate external tasks with PHP frameworks and create a simple task that can be called using a scheduler such as cron. You'll build the application in each framework, getting a sense for how Zend, symfony, and CakePHP handle automated tasks differently.
See How Zend, CakePHP, and symfony handles Ajax
The use of Ajax, using native code and third-party PHP frameworks, is examined — specifically, how the Zend Framework, CakePHP, and the symfony framework, behaves and accepts specific popular libraries. After reading this article you should have a basic understanding of how each framework provides (or doesn't provide) support for Ajax.
December 2007
Exploring MVC-style in Zend PHP, symfony, and CakePHP
This article walks through extending the sample application, Blahg, in each of the three frameworks (Zend PHP, symfony, and CakePHP). This is a great way to see each framwork in action by examining their similarities and differences while applying each framework and extending a sample application.
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