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PUBLIC MARKS from solrac with tag php

July 2010

Create a jQuery, PHP XMPP real-time web app

Readl-Time apps have been popularized by social-notification tools like Twitter and Friendfeed. With a Real-Time web app you can get website information as soon as it's published. Learn techniques that allow you to create responsive, continually updated web applications that conserve server resources while providing a slick user experience using jQuery, XMPP and PHP.

April 2010

CouchDB basics for PHP developers

Take a look at CouchDB from a PHP developer's point of view, and learn how CouchDB gives you a document-based, schema-free, ad-hoc database with a flat address space. Learn how you can add CouchDB to your technical toolboxes to create and delete databases, work with CouchDB views, and more.

November 2009

Examine PHP V5.3.0 features under the microscope

As the popular PHP language continues to evolve, many new features enhance its object-oriented aspects. In this article, PHP V5.3 examples illustrate late static binding, namespace support, class method overloading, and variable parsing and heredoc support.

June 2009

Building object-oriented modular PHP applications

Separation of concerns is a concept in object-oriented (OO) software design that allows you to build more-modular applications. Modular applications are easier to maintain and add new features to. PHP's OO language features allow you to apply design concepts to build more robust, maintainable applications.

Making sure you have the correct PHP class or function

Namespaces are a way of making sure you have the correct PHP class, constant, or function and that people using your PHP classes can be sure they're using the correct ones. These tips provide a few guidelines for building your namespaces so that you get the most out of them and PHP.

Knee deep in the Twitter REST API

Twitter provides an API so Web developers can enable their users to access the various features that the Twitter site provides. In this article, learn the basics of using the Twitter REST API. Get started with a simple examples, then build your Twitter API skills. The ability to pull specific information from the Twitter Stream is endless.

Easy CakePHP rapid-development PHP aid

CakePHP is a stable production-ready, rapid-development aid for building Web sites in PHP. Learn how to install and configure CakePHP, the basics of MVC design, how to validate user data in CakePHP, how to use CakePHP helpers, and how to get an application up and running quickly using CakePHP.

May 2009

An early look at what's coming in PHP V6

In this article, learn about the new PHP V6 features in detail. Learn how it is easier to use, more secure, and more suitable for internationalization. New PHP V6 features include improved support for Unicode, clean-up of several functions, improved extensions, engine additions, changes to OO functions, and PHP additions.

Display realtime Twitter Tweet stream with QueryPath

The new QueryPath library, a PHP cousin of the jQuery JavaScript library, offers an efficient API for working with XML, HTML, and HTTP. In this article, Walk through a simple example and build a small script that workes with the Web services API of the popular Twitter microblogging service, to execute a specific search on Twitter's server and print the results as HTML. Such a tool can be added to an existing Web site to show recent Twitter activity on a topic of interest.

April 2009

Build a RESTful service on CICS with PHP

This tutorial shows how you can use Java, and PHP to quickly and easily work with CICS programs and expose them on the Web. If you are a PHP developer, find out how you can use your PHP skills to interact with enterprise assets in CICS; if you are a CICS developer, see how PHP provides a simple and agile way to manipulate your existing resources.

Realities of open source Cloud Computing with PHP and MySQL

In this article you will learn how Aptana makes it easy to develop applications based on PHP and MySQL, and how to deploy them to the cloud. Also explore some of the critical design differences between a cloud application and a traditional N-tier application.

Increase PHP productivity with PHPCompute

The PHPCompute node is a new general-purpose programmable node that embeds the WebSphere sMash runtime for PHP. This article shows how you can use the PHPCompute node to write PHP scripts that transform and route messages in WebSphere Message Broker.

The bridge between GWT, Java, XML and PHP

Google Web Toolkit (GWT) applications, apart from connecting to servlets in time-honored Java fashion, can also use PHP Web services to send and receive data in XML. You'll explore methods to generate XML documents and process them, both in the Java language and in PHP. This article examines a simple GWT application and a couple of PHP Web services that consume XML documents.

March 2009

Add advanced Ajax to PHP apps with easy jQuerry Libs

For some, Ajax is still a mystery. It's something that the "cool kids" and "bad boys" of Web development do, and they've never had the time, patience, or skill to take it on. If you're one of these PHP developers, never fear: By the time you're done reading this article, you'll know enough to become a real Ajax pro. This article shows how to use jQuery to easily add Ajax functionality to any PHP Web application. When you're done, you should have a pretty good grounding in not only some jQuery basics but also in the fundamentals of Ajax.

Getting started with PHP frameworks

These 5 articles on PHP frameworks will get you quickly familiar with Zend, symfony, and CakePHP. This series is designed for PHP developers who want to start using a PHP framework, but have not examined the available frameworks in detail. You will examine their similarities and differences while building and extending a sample application. using Ajax and by integrating external tasks.

Extend WordPress with Eclipse PDT built plug-ins

WordPress is a Web publishing platform written in PHP, using MySQL for storage. It provides extensibility by building plug-ins that add filters and actions. The Eclipse PHP Development Tools (PDT) V2.0 project allows you to use Eclipse to build PHP applications. Learn how to extend WordPress by using PDT to build plug-ins that demonstrates the adding of a filter and another example for adding an action.

The clear advantages of XQuery over PHP and JSP

Like Structured Query Language (SQL), XQuery is a lookup specification tied to the XML standard. Using XML as the model and XQuery as the view is a powerful way to provide a language-agnostic solution while still retaining the benefits of using the MVC pattern. In this article, explore the advantages of XQuery over other view technologies (PHP, JSP), how XQuery is implemented in the presentation layer, and a realistic example of such an implementation.

Use PHP to convert Twitter to RSS

This article explains the underpinnings of Twitter - specifically, what the REST API exposes, and shows PHP developers how to use public libraries to extract status from their own and their friends' timelines and convert it to other formats, most notably RSS. After reading this, you will have the skills to build your own Twitter and PHP applications and utilities.

February 2009

Add Twitter-like functions to any application using PHP

Learn how to use PHP to add a Twitter-like interface to your applications. Specifically, we show you how to allow users to add posts, disseminate those posts to other users who want to receive them, and allow users to choose to follow the posts of other users. With any luck, you can take what you learned here, add it to your application, and tailor it to your needs.

Serious considerations before upgrading to PHP 5.3

PHP V5.3 has numerous new features such as namespaces, closures, object handling, object-oriented programming, and Phar. There are also some backward-compatibility issues you should be aware of with PHP v5.2. This article provides clear guidance for migrating your Web application to work with PHP V5.3. and for building more powerful and secure PHP apps.

Creating and using the new Phar archives in PHP V5.3

This article takes a close look at the new PHP5.3 feature called Phar, which is an archive format that can be used within PHP. Phar can be used to not only archive files but also to deliver and run an entire PHP application from a single file. Unlike JAR archives, Phar archives can be processed by PHP itself and don't require an external tool to create or use them.

Eclipse DLTK IDE for Perl, Python, and PHP scripting

Eclipse presents a wealth of capabilities for building tools for compiled languages like C and the Java programming language, but provides little support for scripting languages like Perl, Python, and PHP. For these and similar languages, the Eclipse Dynamic Languages Toolkit (DLTK) comes to the rescue. This tutorial Walks you through the process of building a DLTK-based IDE and provides sample code for each step.

Important LAMP systems tuning considerations Part-3

Each component of LAMP -- Linux, Apache, PHP, or MySQL -- has various needs. Part-3 helps you understanding them individually to eliminate the bottlenecks that can slow your application performance.

Important LAMP systems tuning considerations Part-2

This series of three articles on tuning LAMP systems discusses many of the server configuration items that can make or break an application's performance. Part-2 focuses on steps you can take to optimize Apache and PHP.

Important LAMP systems tuning considerations Part-1

Part-1, of the Tunning LAMP (Linux, Apache, PHP, or MySQL) systems, covers the LAMP architecture, some measurement techniques, and some basic Linux kernel, disk, and file system tweaks.