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PUBLIC MARKS from solrac with tag groovy


Learning FC++: The C++ functional programming library

C++ is usually synonymous with object-oriented programming (OOP), and further replenished in no small measure by popular technical literature. This article tries something different—functional programming with C++ using the open source FC++ library from Yannis Smaragdakis and Brian McNamara. Learn how you can use FC++ to implement basic functional programming.

Evolutionary architecture and emergent design: Building DSLs in Groovy

Internal DSLs are possible but cumbersome in the Java language because of its restrictive syntax. This article covers some of the capabilities you can exploit and issues you'll encounter when using Groovy to build internal DSLs.


REST up with CouchDB and Groovy's RESTClient

A burst of innovation in the open source world over the last few years has led to an increase in Java developer productivity. A promising new entry on the scene is Apache CouchDB, hailed by some as the database for Web 2.0. This Java development 2.0 column introduces CouchDB and shows you how Groovy's RESTClient can help you tap into its strengths.

Java development 2.0: Easy EC2

Provisioning an EC2 instance for hosting a Java Web application is a snap. In this Java development 2.0 column, you'll quickly build a Web application that leverages Groovy, Spring, and Hibernate (via the Grails framework) and deploy it on an EC2 instance.

SwingBuilder and Gwitter (Groovy + Twitter)

This article tackles a topic that strikes fear into most server-side Java developers: Swing. As you'll learn, Groovy's SwingBuilder takes some of the sting out of this powerful yet complex GUI framework. Also see how a Twitter GUI written in Groovy might look like. Doesn't Gwitter (Groovy + Twitter) have a nice ring to it?

Mastering Grails: Creating a custom plug-in

In this Mastering Grails installment, Scott Davis shows you how to create your own Grails plug-in. Once you see how effortless it is to create a plug-in, you'll understand why more than 250 Grails plug-ins are available now, with new ones being added all the time.

Enter into the Groovy-style world of metaprogramming

The ability to add new methods to classes dynamically at run time — even Java classes, and even final Java classes — is incredibly powerful. Whether used for production code, unit tests, or anything in between, Groovy's metaprogramming capabilities should pique the curiosity of even the most jaded Java developer.

Effortless XML manipulation with Groovy slurping

To be a successful software developer in this day and age, you need a set of tools that makes dealing with XML effortless. Groovy introduces new and better ways to create and process XML. With the help of some examples, this article shows you how Groovy makes building and parsing XML refreshingly simple.

Groovy's iteration strategy trumps Java's

The best part of this whole Groovy each() exercise is that it cuts a huge swath across Groovy with very little effort. There isn't much novelty to iteration in Groovy once you read all about the each() method. See how Groovy's versatile each() method lets you leave the Java language's iteration quirks behind.

Increase PHP productivity with PHPCompute

The PHPCompute node is a new general-purpose programmable node that embeds the WebSphere sMash runtime for PHP. This article shows how you can use the PHPCompute node to write PHP scripts that transform and route messages in WebSphere Message Broker.

A Flex SOA Grails backend with rich GWT frontend UI widgets

In this article you will build a Web application using Grails and the Google Web Toolkit (GWT). You will also use some richer UI widgets from the Ext GWT library. Familiarity with Groovy is great, but not completely necessary.

Socially mixing Groovy, Twitter, Google, and a bit of Ajax

In this article, learn how to build a social network with Google Maps, Twitter, Groovy, and Ajax. By combining a Google Map with location information that Twitter exposes, you can create a mashup that allows people to view Twitter in light of a particular location. The simple application this article builds with open APIs, and a bit of imagination, will open yourself up to a whole new world of social applications development. The possibilities are endless. The rest is up to you.

On the fly beans to Spring apps with Groovy

Probably the most interesting and powerful feature of Spring's dynamic-language support is the ability to monitor and detect changes to dynamic-language scripts while your application is running and automatically reload the changed beans in the Spring application context. This article shows you how to add bean refresh to your Spring applications and explores how it works. The complete source code is available.


Google Mashups get their Groovy on

Once again Groovy scripting has proven to be a huge time saver when it comes to putting RESTful APIs in front of valuable services and data. See how to create a slick Google mashup Ajax application and, in the process, make the Google Charts API more easily reusable. The server-side code in this article can also support any other Google features that you want to add on.


Building RESTful services for your Web application

Get a hands-on, guided tour of Project Zero's innovations to create, assemble, and deploy powerful Web applications. In this article you will learn about Project Zero's architecture, which includes a scripting run time for Groovy and PHP, and how to build RESTful services to facilitate Web 2.0 development.

solrac's TAGS related to tag groovy

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