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PUBLIC MARKS from solrac with tag xml


Build Android apps using XML and JavaScript Object Notation Part 2

Part 2 examines the manner in which Webkit-hosted JavaScript code exchanges data with Java code in an Android application. Explore techniques for handling two of the most common data formats used on the Internet—XML and JavaScript Object Notation (JSON)—on the Android platform.

Build Android apps using XML and JavaScript Object Notation Part 1

Explore techniques for handling two of the most common data formats used on the Internet—XML and JavaScript Object Notation (JSON)—on the Android platform. This first part covers the basics of XML and JSON and shows you how to build an Android application that parses and displays a Twitter status-update feed provided in both formats.

Build an Android Twitter app using XML and JavaScript Object Notation

This article, explores techniques for handling two of the most common data formats used on the Internet — XML and JavaScript Object Notation (JSON)— on the Android platform. Learn the basics of XML and JSON and how to build an Android application that parses and displays a Twitter status-update in both formats.

Using Internet data in Android applications

Many of your Android apps will need to interact with Internet data, which comes in a variety of formats. In this article, build an Android app that works with popular data formats — XML and JavaScript Object Notation (JSON, as well as the more exotic protocol buffers format from Google. You'll learn about the performance and coding trade-offs associated with each format.

6 tips for using the XML flavor of HTML5

Because of HTML5's momentum, it is now a technology that every XML developer has to deal with. Fortunately HTML5 supports a proper XML serialization. Learn aboutthe XML form of HTML5 including some key differences from older XHTML conventions and learn how to practically apply this vocabulary in modern web browsers.

An introduction to XML

This introduction to XML provides demonstrations of the basics of learning XML, covering topics such as Web 2.0, AJAX, RSS, Web Services and managing XML data. These short Web-based video modules provide clear examples of XML as well as references to popular Web sites that use XML.


Java Web services: Introducing Metro

The Metro Web service stack provides a comprehensive solution for accessing and implementing Web services. It's based on the reference implementations of the JAXB 2.x and JAX-WS 2.x Java™ standards, with added components to support WS-* SOAP extension technologies and actual Web service deployment. This article looks at the basic principles of Metro client and server development.

Meet the Object/XML mapping support in Spring

Within the Java Platform, Enterprise Edition (Java EE) community, Spring is becoming a widely accepted framework. One new feature in the latest release of Spring is its Object/XML (O/X) mapping support. The API enables developers to convert Java objects into XML and vice versa. In this article, learn to use the Object/XML mapping in Spring and explore its advantages.

Speaking the language of the Web - Building Android apps with Java and XML tools

In this article, you will see different options for working with XML tools on Android and how to use them to build your own Android applications. Learn how to leverage XML parsers, SAX, and also how to Work the DOM.

Methods to resolve namespaces with the Java API

Explore namespaces in XPath expressions with the Java language and its XML functions. Learn three ways to provide the prefix to namespace mapping using the NamespaceContext object. This article contains example code to make it easy to code your own NamespaceContext.

Effortless XML manipulation with Groovy slurping

To be a successful software developer in this day and age, you need a set of tools that makes dealing with XML effortless. Groovy introduces new and better ways to create and process XML. With the help of some examples, this article shows you how Groovy makes building and parsing XML refreshingly simple.

Display realtime Twitter Tweet stream with QueryPath

The new QueryPath library, a PHP cousin of the jQuery JavaScript library, offers an efficient API for working with XML, HTML, and HTTP. In this article, Walk through a simple example and build a small script that workes with the Web services API of the popular Twitter microblogging service, to execute a specific search on Twitter's server and print the results as HTML. Such a tool can be added to an existing Web site to show recent Twitter activity on a topic of interest.

IBM launches a new Social Network for Developers

Now with "My developerWorks" you get the benefit of a personalized profile and custom home page as your gateway into how-to articles, tutorials, forums, IBM trial downloads and tools, technical briefings, blogs, spaces, podcasts, sample code, and wikis. You also get the most important new ability to easily network with a technical community of over 8 million skilled UNIX, Java, Linux, Web Development, XML, and Open Source developerWorks users, who are students, software developers, and IT professionals, like you. Now you can build your technical skills and your professional network at the same time and in the same place.

Make better web-based dashboards with XQuery

Many digital dashboards that cropped up in the 1980s were horrible (if not unsubtle) analogs to a car's dashboard. Discover what makes a good dashboard, and learn to identify and leverage key performance indicators (KPIs) for more effective digital dashboards. Finally, build a Web dashboard using the eXist XML database and XQuery.

The bridge between GWT, Java, XML and PHP

Google Web Toolkit (GWT) applications, apart from connecting to servlets in time-honored Java fashion, can also use PHP Web services to send and receive data in XML. You'll explore methods to generate XML documents and process them, both in the Java language and in PHP. This article examines a simple GWT application and a couple of PHP Web services that consume XML documents.

Implementing RPC for JavaScript using Ajax and Java code

This article shows how to implement a Remote Procedure Call (RPC) mechanism for Web applications that use JavaScript on both servers and clients. You'll also learn several interesting techniques, such as implementing Java interfaces with JavaScript, building an XMLHttpRequest wrapper, making Ajax debugging easier, and using JSP tag files to generate JavaScript code.

Linux and UNIX Document publishing using XML

Robust, open standards for XML document markup and a rich set of freely available tools for XML document parsing and format conversion make it easy to install and configure a complete documentation development and formatting environment on any UNIX or Linux system. This article focuses on DocBook, which is the best-known and most widely used schema for documentation markup.

3 huge pains in your XML and SOA to avoid

This article examines three different common anti-patterns, or "worst practices" in XML that can give you a big headache when coding for Web services and SOA. These common errors are often encountered and can really make your life more complicated than it needs to be. These solutions can definitely cut your misery short.

The clear advantages of XQuery over PHP and JSP

Like Structured Query Language (SQL), XQuery is a lookup specification tied to the XML standard. Using XML as the model and XQuery as the view is a powerful way to provide a language-agnostic solution while still retaining the benefits of using the MVC pattern. In this article, explore the advantages of XQuery over other view technologies (PHP, JSP), how XQuery is implemented in the presentation layer, and a realistic example of such an implementation.

Create XML schema from Java then back again with JiBX

Code generation from XML schema definitions is widely used for all types of XML data exchange, including Web services. JiBX data binding has long been known as the fastest and most flexible approach for binding Java code to XML. Learn how to create quality XML schema from Java with JiBX and then how to generate Java code easily from XML schema definitions.

Using E4X on the server-side with Jaxer

Running JavaScript on the server is not some oddity. The ECMAScript for XML (E4X) standard gives JavaScript developers a powerful API to work with XML. In this article, you can see how JavaScript and E4X make it easy to work with XML on the server. Combine this key ingredient with Jaxer to create Ajax applications using nothing but JavaScript.

A much needed Web Services Validation Tool for WSDL and SOAP

With the Web Services Validation Tool for WSDL and SOAP, Web services developers are able to validate Web services messages without deploying actual Web services applications to application servers. This saves a lot of time and effort in deployment and maintenance of test servers. It can be deployed to validate Web services messages and filter invalid or malicious Web services messages. This provides Web services to operate in a more secure and efficient environment.

The five best practices for SOA Web 2.0

In this article, two experienced SOA architects look at the new world of Web 2.0 technologies with a critical eye and present five best practices that can help you be more successful in adopting Ajax, REST, and other Web 2.0 technologies as part of your SOA. There are several major areas in which they have learned some very painful lessons. They share these with you to spare you similar distress, and to help you get a jump on your SOA Web 2.0 success.

An Introduction to XML Schema 1.1

With the constant requests for co-occurrence constraint checking support from the XML Schema 1.0 user community, the XML Schema 1.1 working group introduced the concept of assertions and type alternatives in XML Schema 1.1. This article gives an overview of co-occurrence constraint support in XML Schema 1.1, highlighting the addition of assertions and type alternatives to further restrict the existence and values of elements and attributes.


Firefox 3.0 and its XML and XSLT big boost

With all the hundreds of XML processing tools out there, Web browsers are still where the action is—luckily for XML developers, the action never seems to slow down. Firefox 3 introduces a huge improvement to basic XML parsing as well as a big win for those looking to use XSLT in Firefox. This makes a big difference for practical use of XML on the Web.

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