September 2009
SwingBuilder and Gwitter (Groovy + Twitter)
This article tackles a topic that strikes fear into most server-side Java developers: Swing. As you'll learn, Groovy's SwingBuilder takes some of the sting out of this powerful yet complex GUI framework. Also see how a Twitter GUI written in Groovy might look like. Doesn't Gwitter (Groovy + Twitter) have a nice ring to it?
February 2009
Socially mixing Groovy, Twitter, Google, and a bit of Ajax
In this article, learn how to build a social network with Google Maps, Twitter, Groovy, and Ajax. By combining a Google Map with location information that Twitter exposes, you can create a mashup that allows people to view Twitter in light of a particular location. The simple application this article builds with open APIs, and a bit of imagination, will open yourself up to a whole new world of social applications development. The possibilities are endless. The rest is up to you.
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