February 2008
Faster RSS and Atom filtering with XQuery
XQuery offers a flexible method to process XML files. Some find this method is easier to follow syntactically. See how XQuery makes it much easier to merge and filter information from XML documents when you embed the filtering instructions right into the document that you use to generate the output format. You can use that functionality to aggregate information from RSS and Atom feeds into the format you need.
October 2006
Chop up del.icio.us RSS feeds the way you want it
The combination of open, flexible Web APIs and content uploaded by users and maintained in user networks is the true 2.0 of Web 2.0. In this article, you'll learn how to use the Amara XML Toolkit to download and parse the del.icio.us RSS feeds and JSON, Python and Javascript to incorporate only what you want into your own Web site.
September 2006
A step-by-step demonstration of using RSS and Atom
The oldschool way of manually managing e-mail subscribers, and publishing the news on your website doesn't cut it anymore. This article shows you the modern way with a step-by-step demonstration of implementing a general news publication architecture using RSS and Atom syndication formats. This will diffinetly ease the process, minimize human error and streamline the approach to news feeds.
(3 marks)