July 2010
Create a jQuery, PHP XMPP real-time web app
Readl-Time apps have been popularized by social-notification tools like Twitter and Friendfeed. With a Real-Time web app you can get website information as soon as it's published. Learn techniques that allow you to create responsive, continually updated web applications that conserve server resources while providing a slick user experience using jQuery, XMPP and PHP.
January 2010
Android & iPhone browser wars Part 2: Using HTML5, CSS, and jQuery
Dig deeper into the iPhone and Android by building a network management application that runs on both the iPhone and Android browsers. The app demos browser-local SQL storage and Ajax, key techs that enable a rich app experience from within the mobile browser. Additionally, the app leverages the popular jQuery JavaScript library.
July 2009
Understanding the 5 must have jQuery advanced concepts
jQuery makes writing a good JavaScript-based Web application easy and straightforward, but turning a good app into a great app can be accomplished with just a few extra advanced jQuery steps. This article introduced you to 5 concepts that can help your good jQuery code become great jQuery code.
May 2009
Create and get your jQuery plug-in listed
jQuery lets you create your own plug-ins to extend the functions of jQuery—and to give back to the jQuery community. This article steps you through the process for creating your own jQuery plug-in and as well as getting it listed on the jQuery plug-in community Web pages. Be a part of the JQuery JavaScript library many have grown to depend on.
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