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PUBLIC MARKS from solrac with tags "ruby on rails" & ruby


Speeding up Ruby on Rails

Ruby on Rails, a popular Web development framework based on the Ruby programming language, makes it easy to access your database, but it does not always do so efficiently. Learn more about common performance problems with Rails, including N+1 query, and discover how you can fix them.


New Ruby on Rails power for DB2 Express-C Web apps

With the introduction of the IBM_DB adapter and driver, Rails applications can now interact seamlessly with IBM data servers. This article introduces the Starter Toolkit for DB2 on Rails, covers various methods for installing the IBM_DB driver, provides examples of Rails migration with the no-charge DB2 Express-C database, and it shows you exacly What the IBM_DB adapter brings to the Rails world.

solrac's TAGS related to tag "ruby on rails"

app +   application +   eclipse +   Eclipse Europa +   europa +   java +   php +   programming +   radrails +   rails +   ror +   ruby +