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PUBLIC MARKS from solrac with tags ruby & programming


Speeding up Ruby on Rails

Ruby on Rails, a popular Web development framework based on the Ruby programming language, makes it easy to access your database, but it does not always do so efficiently. Learn more about common performance problems with Rails, including N+1 query, and discover how you can fix them.


Using Eclipse to maximize SketchUp performance

SketchUp, with its script interpreter, takes the pain out of 3-D modeling. and allows you to automate the design process with Ruby scripts. But although SketchUp provides the script interpreter, it doesn't provide an editor; that's where Eclipse comes in. Learn how to configure SketchUp and Eclipse so you can edit scripts in Eclipse and automatically execute them in SketchUp.


Add Ruby scripting to your Project Zero

Project Zero provides strong support for scripting in Groovy and PHP out-of-the-box, making it easy to create RESTful resources and utility scripts without any of the complexity or configuration that Java developers are so used to dealing with. But this does not mean Project Zero rejects other dynamic scripting languages. This article will show Ruby enthusiasts how to have their cake and eat it too.

New Ruby on Rails power for DB2 Express-C Web apps

With the introduction of the IBM_DB adapter and driver, Rails applications can now interact seamlessly with IBM data servers. This article introduces the Starter Toolkit for DB2 on Rails, covers various methods for installing the IBM_DB driver, provides examples of Rails migration with the no-charge DB2 Express-C database, and it shows you exacly What the IBM_DB adapter brings to the Rails world.

Real world Rails: Caching in Rails

For some, Rails is hyper productive and for others Ruby is a toy. One camp says its well marketed and the other camp tells us Ruby is over hyped. Like many newer technologies, Rails also has a reputation as unproven with limited scalability. Unlike the C and Java languages, Ruby is interpreted, with all of the inherent performance handicaps. This article explores the Ruby caching strategies that are available to you to increase performance.

Using Python, Ruby, and Web services

You can use your existing code to create service components. Learn how to expose your scripts as SCA components and Web services using the Python, Ruby, and Web services support in Apache Tuscany SCA for C++. Create reusable, composable SCA components that are linked together within composites and exposed and invoked using whichever technologies are most suitable to the system being built.


Do Ruby on Rails with Ajax nails

Its well known that Ruby on Rails provides an excellent platform for building Web applications, but did you know how well it works with Ajax? This article takes you through the steps of building a Rails web application and then dives right into using Ajax features to give your application the Web 2.0 rich user interface experience.

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