public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from soni2006 with tags "mesothelioma lawyers" & "Online resource"

26 March 2007

Pathophysiology of Mesothelioma

The three major and important histological types of mesotheliomas are sarcomatous mesothelioma, epithelial mesothelioma, and mixed mesothelioma. Asbestos is known as the number one carcinogen involved in the pathogenesis of this disease. The companies, factories, or industries associated with asbestos exposure include construction, paper mill, ship building, auto parts, railroad, ceramics and insulation industries.

03 March 2007

Mesothelioma News : More Harmful Particulates Blanket The East Coast

"In most farms, handling of animal manure is a major source of ammonia being released both to air and water," said Adams, an associate professor of civil and environmental engineering at Carnegie Mellon. "Our research shows that increased control of livestock feed, efficient use of nitrogen on farms, low-emission fertilizers and other improvements to manure handling on farms are cost-effective ways to reduce ammonia emissions and airborne particles."