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PUBLIC MARKS from soni2006 with tags "mesothelioma lawyers" & asbestos

03 March 2007 04:45

Survivor Stories : Mesothelioma Survivors: Stories of Hope… Jane Doe, Age 58

It has been concluded that the cause of my disease was 25 years of my husband working as a carpenter and coming home with dust-filled clothes. I always assumed it was drywall dust; in-fact, it was asbestos… Being the home-maker I was, I routinely did laundry for the family several times a week. Apparently this simple, mundane task that seemed so harmless for all those years, was like breathing in deadly air in the mistaken ‘safety’ of my own home.


Through videos, a viewer knows the facts about this deadly disease, its signs and symptoms, various forms of mesothelioma cancers, and how to file a lawsuit against the company from where they got this deadly cancer. Videos and especially viral videos are the latest option available for website publishers, physicians, lawyers, and even internet users from all groups to share their opinions by showing the world what they are concerned for. Even an illiterate who did not know how to read and write can watch and listen to the videos and understand it.

03 March 2007 04:30

List Of States In United States having Specialized Mesothelioma Lawyers

In the recent few years, mesothelioma lawyers network has largely grown in the United States. Due to its deadly aftereffects, a large population of masses is devoted in eliminating this disease. The following is the list of states in United States who have legal practitioners and experts dealing with mesothelioma lawsuits:

03 March 2007 04:15

Mesothelioma News : More Harmful Particulates Blanket The East Coast

"In most farms, handling of animal manure is a major source of ammonia being released both to air and water," said Adams, an associate professor of civil and environmental engineering at Carnegie Mellon. "Our research shows that increased control of livestock feed, efficient use of nitrogen on farms, low-emission fertilizers and other improvements to manure handling on farms are cost-effective ways to reduce ammonia emissions and airborne particles."