public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from tadeufilippini with tags desktop & widgets

July 2009

Social Desktop

Welcome to the Social Desktop Contest! What is it? Last year the vision of the Social Desktop was born. The idea is to bring the power of online communities and group collaboration to desktop applications. One of the strongest assets of the free software community is our worldwide community of developers and users who believe in free software and who work hard to bring our software and solutions to the mainstream. wants to help to make this vision reality. We decided to launch a contest for applications, services and programs using it. Here is the challenge: create and submit applications, widgets, plasmoids or web services etc. as part of the contest and win one of our wonderful prizes.

April 2008

Linux Window Manager Software Downloads * Receptionist Desk * Desk Hutch * Rolltop Desk * Wood Desk * Faster Downloads * Web Page Software * Mp3 Downloads * Software Desktop Manager Gdesklets * Desktop Computer * Desktop Computers * Project Manager * Restaurant Manager * Receptionist Desk * Desk Hutch * Rolltop Desk * Wood Desk

February 2008 | Desktop Eyecandy

by 1 other (via)
About gDesklets gDesklets is a system for bringing mini programs (desklets), such as weather forecasts, news tickers, system information displays, or music player controls, onto your desktop, where they are sitting there in a symbiotic relationship of eye candy and usefulness. The possibilities are really endless and they are always there to serve you whenever you need them, just one key-press away. The system is not restricted to one desktop environment, but currently works on most of the modern Unix desktops (including GNOME, KDE, Xfce).

December 2007

November 2007