public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from tadeufilippini with tags familia & Sagrada

25 January 2008

30 November 2007

News :: KolourPaint - the free, easy-to-use paint program for KDE

by 1 other Logo News About | Testimonials | Screenshots Download | Documentation People | Contact Links KolourPaint is a free, easy-to-use paint program for KDE - Read More. News Improved Clipboard Support with KDE 3.5.8

29 November 2007

28 November 2007

How do I enable POP?

Having troubles with POP configuration? Windows users can download the Gmail POP Troubleshooter tool to automatically diagnose any POP issues with Outlook 2000 or newer, Outlook Express 6, or Thunderbird 1.5.

Jarbas Teixeira pagina 58 do livro entendendo os recursos do linux digerati-editora digerati-jarbas teixeira

27 November 2007

register | Yotophoto

Registration Create an account on Yotophoto by filling out this form. A confirmation email will be sent to the email address specified; you will need to click the link in the confirmation email in order to activate your account. You do not need to register to use Yotophoto. You only need to register if you would like to post in the forums or join our mailing list. We are working on some more advanced features that may require registration in the future. Note: We never share our email address list with third parties for marketing or other purposes, ever. See our privacy policy for details. :: online photo editor

by 2 others
Welcome! Need a quick fix for that photo? With you can edit your photos online using only your browser.

26 November 2007

06 November 2007


Não proclamar a verdade sobre o matrimônio, «grave omissão»; afirma Papa «Esta verdade é válida não só para os católicos, mas para todos os homens e mulheres»

13 October 2007


Centro de Evangelização da Família Rua Rizieri Negrini, 52 Vila Arapuá - São Paulo - cep 04257-143 KM 12 DA ANCHIETA - SENTIDO SÃO BERNARDO / SP PRÓXIMO AO PONTO FINAL "VILA ARAPUÁ" COMO CHEGAR: No metrô Santa Cruz pegar ônibus para o Terminal Sacomã e no Terminal pegar ônibus linha 5032/21 V. Arapuá (via Estrada das Lágrimas) ou 5035/10 V. Arapuá (via Alencar de Araripe) e descer um ponto antes do final.


Italo Juliani Passanezi Fasanella, nascido aos 23/04/65, em São Paulo/SP. Casado com Rosana Millan Fasanella desde 21/01/89, quatro filhos: Regina (9/8/91), Paulo (25/01/93), Miriam (12/04/2000) e Natália (11/12/2003).

04 October 2007

Yahoo! España

by 2 others, 1 comment
La última foto de Lady Di Aparece mirando por la luna trasera del coche segundos antes del accidente » Nueva investigación

24 February 2007