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PUBLIC MARKS from tadeufilippini with tags freespire & opensource

11 June 2007 15:00

11 June 2007 14:00

freespire downloads

Download Freespire 1.0.13 via BitTorrent You must have a BitTorrent program installed to use this option. Please refer to the help page which explains how to use BitTorrent. Released on August 7, 2006 Download: Freespire-i386-1.0.13-Install Version: 1.0.13 Size: 686 MB MD5 Checksum: 567fe26b5e95ff5da6079a72ceddd418 Disc Labels: JPEG | EPS

11 June 2007 13:00

Lançado o Freespire 1.0

Três semanas após o agendado, lançada a versão 1.0 do Freespire, a versão gratuita do Linspire, já está disponível no site oficial do projeto. Você pode baixar a versão 100% Open Source, ou a versão que inclui vários codecs e drivers proprietários.

11 June 2007 01:00


by 1 other
The Freedom of Choice Freespire is a community-involved, Linux-based operating system that combines the best that free, open source software has to offer (community involved, freely distributed, open source code, etc.), but also provides users the choice of including proprietary codecs, drivers and applications as they see fit. With Freespire, the choice is yours as to what software is installed on your computer, with no limitations or restrictions placed on that choice. How you choose to maximize the performance of your computer is entirely up to you.