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PUBLIC MARKS from tadeufilippini with tag "install ubuntu"

September 2009

YouTube - How to Install Ubuntu Linux

Ícone do canal Inscrever-se Cancelar a inscrição quesomanrulz 3 de maio de 2009 (mais informações) (menos informações) Deseja se inscrever? Faça login ou inscreva-se agora! - Hello Everyone! This Weekend's tutorial is brought to you by This video tutorial is a video tutorial on the process of Downloading an Ubuntu CD Image, ... - Hello Everyone! This Weekend's tutorial is brought to you by This video tutorial is a video tutorial on the process of Downloading an Ubuntu CD Image, Burning to a CD, and then Installing it on your system. This process can be confusing to new users of Linux and this is an attempt at an easy to follow tutorial of this process. All the steps in this video are from the Ubuntu Documentation at the following links: If there is any confusion about this video the best place to look would be under the section of which you are confused in the above links. Thank You for watching this video tutorial! If you are confused you can email me at or ask our community at Infra Recorder Download: 7zip extraction software - Follow Me on Twitter: Categoria: Guias e Estilo Palavras-chave: How to Linux Best OS Ubuntu Live CD and Install Intrepid Ibex Hardy Heron 9.04 8.10 10 Windows Vista Wubi Boot Up Load Help Easy PC Tech Technology Dual Tri Fun Tips Tricks Distribution Open Source Simple Nero Iso Burner Infra Recorder Download DVD URL

June 2009

September 2008

May 2008

by 11 others
To quickly prepare your system for klik, install the klik client (NOT as root): wget -O -|sh and follow instructions on screen. (K)Ubuntu users, please first run sudo apt-get install binutils libstdc++5 rpm gnome-about O LINK AQUI VEIO DE : LÁ O LINK ABAIXO: Klik package (klik:// → .cmg) Klik is an online software repository that uses its own protocol called klik:// (similar to http://) to allow you to install a package from their site by clicking on a hyperlink in your web browser. To use Klik you must first install the packages binutils libstdc++5 rpm gnome-about using Synaptic and then run this command in the terminal: wget -O -|sh which downloads and installs the Klik client. Klik completely bypasses both your package manager and your file-system; everything you need to run the program is included in a .cmg-file located on your desktop after the installation is done. You simply double-click the file to start your application. To remove it again, simply delete the .cmg-file

January 2008