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Alberto - Home

My name is Alberto Milone, I graduated [1st level degree (equivalent to a BA) - December 2005, 2nd level degree (equivalent to a MA) - March 2008] in Foreign Languages (the name of the course was "Lingue Moderne per la Comunicazione Internazionale") at the Università del Salento. I was born in Turin in 1983 but I have spent most of my life in Lecce. My current interests range from the study of the English language to (open source) software development on GNU/Linux distributions, for which I have an insane passion. I work on a GNU/Linux distribution (based on Debian and developed by Canonical) called Ubuntu Linux. According to Canonical's webpage: "Ubuntu" is an ancient African word, meaning "humanity to others". Ubuntu also means "I am what I am because of who we all are". The Ubuntu Linux distribution brings the spirit of Ubuntu to the software world