public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from tadeufilippini with tags "linux drivers" & ubuntu

12 October 2007 05:30

12 October 2007 05:15

05 October 2007 06:30

05 October 2007 06:15

05 October 2007 06:00

31 August 2007 22:30

31 August 2007 22:00

31 August 2007 21:15

Linux Driver Kit -- Lexmark United States

The Lexmark Linux Printer Driver Development Kit (LLPDDK) provides libraries needed to develop and promote custom printer and scanner drivers' development for the Linux operating system. These libraries allow communication with Lexmark Inkjet printers and Lexmark All-In-Ones, as well as printing across popular print subsystems and scanning using the SANE standards.

31 August 2007 20:30

27 August 2007 02:15

10 August 2007 15:30

linux-foundation open printing

by 4 others
We have resources to help with printing under free operating systems like GNU/Linux and the BSDs or under commercial UNIX-like systems such as Solaris and Mac OS X. AQUI rpm OU SEJA PACOTE .rpm SOMENTE???