public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from tadeufilippini with tags "linux graphics" & 3d

April 2008

linux graphic

by 4 others
* 10/04/2008 : Sortie de Blenderart magazine n°15 * 10/03/2008 : Alarme!!! Vous vous faîtes plagier! Lisez ceci! * 01/03/2008 : Emission de radio sur le libre et le graphisme * 29/01/2008 : [02/03 Fév 2008] Journées du libre en Touraine * 17/01/2008 : [Recrutement][Sérieux] Court métrage animation 3D * 25/12/2007 : Joyeux Noël 2007 à tous! * 02/12/2007 : Sortie de Blenderart Magazine #13 [en]

September 2007 - Quickstart

At first look Blender 2.3 can be very intimidating. So many buttons, too many for you to figure out what they all do on your own, trust me, I know... I tried. So I'd like to personally welcome you to the Blender Quickstart page