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13 September 2009 13:30

O’Reilly - Linux Server Hacks

Cooking & Diets Cultures & Languages Database Engineering Tech Games Graphic Design Hardware History Internet Magazine Microsoft Novel Personality Programming Science Security Software Mac Software Unix Software Windows Software Study Theology & Occultism Web Development HOT categories Magazines for men Science Business Audio books Ebook home > software > unix software > O’Reilly - Linux Server Hacks O’Reilly - Linux Server Hacks Save addthis button O’Reilly - Linux Server Hacks O’Reilly - Linux Server Hacks Summary: ISBN 0596004614 | 2003 edition | 241 pages | PDF | 33 MB “The book is such fun, that it has become a great way to test the memory and knowledge of other admins with quickfire questions over a drink. Overall the book is an excellent source of quick fixes for common problems.” Linux Magazine, August 2003 “Definitely one for the bookshelf.” Computer Shopper, March 2004