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PUBLIC MARKS from tadeufilippini with tags "softwarelivre windows" & gnu

08 February 2008 07:30

gnuwin -cd

GNUWin II inclui um variado conjunto de programas, ordenados por tipo, completamente livres, e que cobrem um variado leque de utilizações. A lista completa das aplicações, ordenadas por tipo, está disponivel aqui. O Software incluido no projecto GNUWin não é nem shareware, nem freeware, mas sim Software Livre e Software de Código Aberto , para o qual o código fonte está disponivel, e que será sempre livre e gratuito. A maioria dos programas incluidos neste CD estão também disponiveis em sistemas operativos de código aberto, tais como GNU/Linux, BSD's, etc.


by 8 others
News / Announcements * 4 February 2008: BsdTar-, BsdCpio- & LibArchive-2.4.12: utilities and library for reading and writing archives (.tar, .gz, .z, .bz2, .zip, .cpio, .iso): new release * 4 February 2008: File-4.23: determine file type: new release * 4 February 2008: Gsar-1.21: general search and replace utility: new release * 4 February 2008: T1Utils-1.33: Postscript Type 1 tools: new release * 5 January 2008: Grap-1.41: language for typesetting graphs (Groff and LaTeX): fix for bug #1863065 (grap can't find defines file) * 5 January 2008: Nawk-2007.05.01: pattern scanning and text processing language: new release * 5 January 2008: MiniSed-1.12: stream editor (small version of sed): new package * 3 January 2008: Readline-5.0: library for editing command lines: fix for bug #1801880 (def and lib files are empty) * 2 January 2008: LibPng-1.2.24: library and tools for PNG images: new release * 1 January 2008: A2Ps-4.14: format files for printing on a Postscript printer: new release and fix for bug #1859488 (relocate.h missing) * 29 December 2007: Gawk-3.1.6: pattern scanning and processing: new release, without native-language support, and fixes for bugs #569417 (error scanning float values), #899505 (printf fails to produce expected output), #1008187 (gawk fails if IGNORECASE or on [sets]), #1066398 and #1067040 (regexp error), #1088820 (gawk strftime errors), #1203049 (gawk crashes matching a regexp), and #1464581 (gawk chokes on exit) * 28 December 2007: Which-2.18: show the full path of (shell) commands: new release * 28 December 2007: Grap-1.41: language for typesetting graphs (Groff and LaTeX): new release * 28 December 2007: Crafty-21.6: chess program: new package

08 February 2008 07:15

WinLibre - Free Software

ree software is software for which you have the source code and whose license allows this code to be passed on - whether modified or not. The opposite is known as "proprietary" software. However, access to the source code alone does not necessarily mean that software is "free", and free access has nothing to do with free of charge. Thus, free software is not freeware or shareware, and software whose source code is available is not necessarily free. The definition of "free software" refers to the fact that users are free to run, copy, distribute, study, modify and improve the software. More precisely it refers to four types of freedom for the software user : * Freedom to run the program - for whatever use. * Freedom to examine how the program works and adapt it to your needs. This freedom requires access to the source code. * Freedom to redistribute copies. * Freedom to improve the program and publish these improvements - to the benefit of the entire community. This freedom again requires access to the source code.