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August 2009

Install Chromium (Google chrome) web browser in Ubuntu  | Ubuntu Geek

Install Chromium (Google chrome) web browser in Ubuntu June 7, 2009 · General · Email This Post If you're new here, you may want to subscribe to my RSS feed. Thanks for visiting! Chromium is an open-source browser project that aims to build a safer, faster, and more stable way for all Internet users to experience the web. The Chromium codebase is the basis for Google’s Chrome browser. First you need to edit the /etc/apt/sources.list file sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list

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Why do I need an account? Creating an account allows us to better serve our customers. It lets us identify you quickly, so that we can provide you with your own tailored product downloads, Web content, and support. The reason we ask that you create your account at the beginning of the purchase cycle is that it is simply more secure for you to do it this way. Please Note: We store no credit card information on our site. We do not share our customer email addresses with anyone (even our Mom). For more information, read our privacy policy. NOTE: This site requires that cookies are enabled in your web browser. Trouble Logging In?

June 2009

Early Access Release Channels ‎(Chromium Developer Documentation)‎

etting Involved > Early Access Release Channels About Google Chrome Release Channels Google Chrome releases updates to different release channels. Subscribing to the Beta or Dev channel means you'll get more frequent (but less stable) updates and you'll get to try new features first. There are three release channels: * Stable channel. Everyone is on the Stable channel when they first install Google Chrome. The Stable channel is updated with features and fixes once they have been thoroughly tested in the Beta channel. If you want a rock solid browser but don't need the latest features, the Stable channel is for you. * Beta channel. People who like to use and help refine the latest features subscribe to the Beta channel. Every month or so, we promote stable and complete features from the Dev channel to the Beta channel. The Beta channel is more stable than Dev, but may lack the polish one expects from a finished product. * Developer preview channel. The Dev channel is where ideas get tested (and sometimes fail). The Dev channel can be very unstable at times, and new features usually require some manual configuration to be enabled. Still, simply using Dev channel releases is an easy (practically zero-effort) way for anyone to help improve Google Chrome. Note: Early access releases (Dev and Beta channels) will be only partly translated into languages other than English. Text related to new features might not get translated into all languages until the feature is released in the Stable channel.

André Gondim » Chrome para Ubuntu/Debian

Acaba de sair uma versão instável do navegador do Google ( o Oráculo ). Ainda há bugs e melhorias a serem feitos, por exemplo ainda não há plug-in do flash e pelo que demonstra não haverá extensões, pois segundo o Google isso poderia comprometer a segurança e o desempenho do navegador. Em princício não vi vantagem alguma, continuo com o Firefox, apesar de ter opção é sempre uma boa. Para quem quiser testar essa versão instável aí vão os passos. Vá até a página: do Devenvolvimento do Chrome e baixe a versão 32 ou 64. (ou clique no link 32 ou 64). De posse do arquivo basta dar dois clique ou no terminal fazer:

September 2008

CrossOver Chromium

by 3 others (via)
Linux * CrossOver Chromium for Ubuntu and Debian (32 bit) * CrossOver Chromium for Ubuntu and Debian (64 bit) * CrossOver Chromium for Red Hat, Mandriva, and Suse * CrossOver Chromium for all other Linux distros.

How to Install Chromium (Google chrome) in Ubuntu using deb package -- Ubuntu Geek

We have already discussed how to install google chrome using wine .Chromium is an open-source browser project that aims to build a safer, faster, and more stable way for all Internet users to experience the web. The Chromium codebase is the basis for Google’s Chrome browser. First you need to download .deb package from here using the following command wget Now you have cxchromium_0.9.0-1_i386.deb package install this package using the following command sudo dpkg -i cxchromium_0.9.0-1_i386.deb This will complete the installation If you want to open chromium go to Applications->CrossOver Chromium->Chromium