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PUBLIC MARKS with tags 2006 &

21 January 2006

Ten "Most Interesting" people in gaming - International perspective from Guardian Unlimited: Gamesblog

by bcpbcp
A few weeks ago, there was a post on GamerGod which listed the 10 most interesting people in games 2005. While some of those who made the cut were arguably admirable, it was a hugely US-biased list

19 January 2006

The scoop on the Korean games industry from Guardian Unlimited: Gamesblog

by bcpbcp
The Korean games industry is a giant enigma to many observers and professionals in the western market. Their industry is so massive, so socially-accepted, so utterly all-encompassing that it makes legal tiffles in the US look like something out of a parallel Eastern interactive cultural Stone Age.

16 January 2006

Discrimination emerges in WoW? from Guardian Unlimited: Gamesblog

by bcpbcp
"Academics and other students of the Internet have known for decades that even typed communication can reveal such non-verbal aspects of an online user, but it still comes as a surprise when discrimination emerges in an online game."

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last mark : 21/01/2006 16:49