public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags culture & visualarts

01 December 2006 what's new

by jlesage
online film magazine with an independent, often European focus

Orion Magazine

by jlesage
ideas of sustainability and its cultural contexts; many notable writers and artists here

Media Art Net | Sitemap

by jlesage
English site overview page of a large German site for media, art, and the Internet

Hayden White, Historiography and Historiophoty

by jlesage
"Historiophoty" is Robert Rosentstone's term for our representing history visually and filmically; in contrast, according to White, is "historiography," representing history verbally, in prose.

Zoom In Online: the internet video channel providing essential info on media & entertainment

by jlesage
business and technology for media artists; many interesting perspectives and tech histories


by jlesage
online film journal, offbeat and cult as well as international film covered

artists and

by jlesage & 1 other
extended visual, biographical, and textual database of 20th Century and contemporary visual artists

30 November 2006


by jlesage
film journal from Concordia University in Montreal

27 November 2006

Dr. Chris Mullen, The Visual Telling of Stories, illustration, design, film, narrative sequences, magazines, books, prints etc

by jlesage & 1 other
a very large historical archive, often from advertising, "to provide for all levels of possible viewer a visually orientated taxonomy of the ways in which pictures are used to tell stories." unique collection, also useful for many other purposes

26 November 2006

media teacher's home page, lots of resouces, links pages

by jlesage
"news and journalism, film, TV, media policy, media reform activism, philosophy and social theory, urban history, contemporary American politics--\perspective informed by media history, political economy and social and cultural theory."


by jlesage
ejournal, interdisciplinary approaches to visual culture

22 November 2006

ArtLex on New Media

by jlesage
entry in big art site has many links and hypertext connections to trace out; useful

DIGITALSOULS.COM - new media art | philosophy | culture

by jlesage
"one of the longest continuously running online galleries and e-zines dedicated to new media art, digital culture and philosophy; contributions by international artists and writers including Brian Eno, Yoko Ono, John Berger, Sean Cubitt, Susan Sontag..."

Scenes of Provincial Life

by jlesage
a vblog diary from someone who has a good eye and lives in a picturesque environment -

by jlesage
ejournal; interactive web soundtoys, artworks and related texts

Jo’s Toolkit for grassroots and student journalists

by jlesage
tips and links for lots of aspects of the media, both print and visual

21 November 2006

Travel Photos - The Great Mirror

by jlesage
"a large and sprawling collection of photographs of cultural or humanized landscapes. The images are arranged geographically and are narratively sequenced and captioned to reflect the interests of a geographer."

Geography courses with websites Valparaiso University

by jlesage
Geography courses, both present and past, with exercises, links, bibliography. Also see Urban Studies and American Indian Studies. Understanding place as cultural should inform both fiction and non-fiction film.

What Can We Do With Flickr? on Flickr - Photo Sharing!

by jlesage
how to create hotspots with popup notes on Flickr. Very useful for image analysis and assignment requiring students to comment on social aspects or formal aspects of image; or to formally critique them.

20 November 2006

photos you likebetter: you are what you like

by jlesage
a charming game in which you pick which of two photos you like the best, supposedly revealing something about you

Fixings Shadows - Still Photography

by jlesage
work of individual photographers and photographs of historical and ethnographic interest and value, including a section on found photos

Active users

last mark : 01/12/2006 19:38