public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags free & speech


Speech Toggle - Speech Recognition Toggling Software for Mac OS X

by ycc2106
Speech Toggle is a very simple freeware menu extra for Mac OS X which enables you to easily toggle Apple's speech recognition (Speakable Items) on and off. The software prevents you from having to make a trip to the System Preferences every time you feel the urge to temporarily use speech recognition.



Students keep free speech -- even in school talent show

by jasontromm
A federal court has issued an order that will prevent a New Jersey school from censoring students' Christian musical selections in future talent shows. The Alliance Defense Fund said the order comes down in favor of an elementary school student who, when she was a second-grader in May 2005, had been chosen to participate in the competition, and then picked "Awesome God," made famous by the late singer-songwriter Rich Mullins, to perform. Officials at Frenchtown Elementary School denied her permission, a decision endorsed by the board of education, citing not only the song's religious content but its "proselytizing" nature.

Student under fire for yelling: 'Remember Chappaquiddick!'

by jasontromm
A community college student in Massachusetts faces possible disciplinary action for shouting "Remember Chappaquiddick!" during an on-campus speech by Democrat Sen. Edward Kennedy.

Rants from the Right Coast: The SAFS expresses concern to UPEI

by Mumvy
Fear of possible â mob actionâ must not be allowed to dictate to UPEI or any other Canadian university what ideas its students and faculty may express, disseminate and debate. By censoring this debate at your campus rather than taking the nec

Awareness: The Strand takes a Stand?

by Mumvy
The Cadre, UPEI's campus newspaper, found its issues yanked from stands when protests ensued after reprinting said comics. Ray Keating, the Cadre's editor-in-chief, argued that it was a stand for freedom of the press.

The Guardian: It’s all part of free speech

by Mumvy
I have to say Iâ m disappointed at the rather gutless and repressive actions of UPEI and the UPEI student union regarding the cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad that were re-printed in the Cadre.


We the bloggers...

by jasontromm & 1 other
Blogs have given individuals of any and every background the ability to freely speak their minds and share information with anyone who chooses to read it, at any time they wish to do so.

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