public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags identity & courses

26 November 2006

media teacher's home page, lots of resouces, links pages

by jlesage
"news and journalism, film, TV, media policy, media reform activism, philosophy and social theory, urban history, contemporary American politics--\perspective informed by media history, political economy and social and cultural theory."

21 November 2006

Geography courses with websites Valparaiso University

by jlesage
Geography courses, both present and past, with exercises, links, bibliography. Also see Urban Studies and American Indian Studies. Understanding place as cultural should inform both fiction and non-fiction film.

20 November 2006

Conversations with Dina

by jlesage
post on how students did visual ethnography using Flickr and the tags people put there

Visual Culture and the Contemporary City

by jlesage
extensive course lectures with special attention to Georg Simmel and Walter Benjamin's concepts, especially Benjamin on the flaneur.

18 November 2006

Dave Harris and Colleagues

by jlesage
large collection of work, lectures, course materials in media studies, leisure studies, sociology

06 November 2006

Syllabus - SOC 4391 - Social Theory

by jlesage
value of the course outline is that there are links to chapters of most classics in social theory, reproduced as full text chapters and extensive excerpts

Sensing Place: Photography as Inquiry

by jlesage
Course outline and reading list for fine arts course on landscape photography; excellent bibliography; will require a trip to the photography books section of a fine arts library

16 October 2006


by jlesage
well written, much about pedagogy and digital culture, blogging

06 October 2006

Composing Cyberspace, by Rich Holeton

by jlesage
website for book, with sections on knowledge, community, and identity; does not have text of book but many useful questions, links, and resources

02 October 2006

course outline on social construction of space

by jlesage
understanding this topic is crucial for folks in the visual arts, especially documentarians

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last mark : 26/11/2006 17:31