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PUBLIC MARKS with tags widget & community


A word of warning for widget authors - widget uploading terms - Opera Widgets - Opera Community

by greut

Some of you don't read "Terms for widgets" carefully when uploading, or read it once and don't check it for changes every time you upload or update a widget. Well, you really should.

Opera Widget isn't the Apple Store or Android Market


whooiz - Blog Widgets, profiles, Communities

by cyberien & 2 others
Recent Readers & Whooiz Friendz Widget The Whooiz Blog Widgetz let's your blog or website become a social network platform, start building your community today! The Recent Readers widget displays a list of recent readers of your blog, while the Friendz Widget displays a list of your friendz in a random order.

2006 - Share your digital life for free - photos, music, blog, faves and more!

by jackiege & 3 others
via WangTam/Uploaded audio files are placed in playlists called TuneFeeds that can be shared with others or played in your profile page. There’s a browser toolbar for adding URLs to your favorites list and otherwise working with your account from off si

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag widget

blog +   BSP +   community +   photo +   sns +   videos +   web2site +   websites +  

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last mark : 12/06/2009 12:02

last mark : 15/01/2007 16:08

last mark : 31/08/2006 23:40