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PUBLIC MARKS with tags widget & widgets


CSS for Widgets: friends don't break friends' styles

by greut
Interesting view on how much each selector is worth


How to create a multi field widget with sfForm - Thomas Rabaix

by claire_
Tis article will explain how to create a "Google Map Address" widget.

Word - Ex - Press

by runen
Blog entirely devoted to Wordpress devolpment. Themes, plugins, widgets, hacks


Color Box Widget

by zerowww
Add this cool color design widget to your blog.


Widgetsphere: New Playground For Marketers

by springnet
f you're in the online marketing game and are not yet hip to widgets, listen up. Two emerging Web 2.0 technology firms focused in this space have a message for you. Those companies are Widgetbox and ClearSpring, both of which presented in a session on Tu


by myadam, 1 comment is a new tool which is used to increase your blog adsense earning by simply displaying news items from our network.Once you register with us you are presented with a code which is accessible under User Panel--->get the code. The code when pasted on your blog fetches new news stories from our network.The news page shows the story and shows your adsense ad as the image depicts below.The rest of the google adsense programs rules apply as same. The minimum criteria to join our network is blog + google adsense client id.

Live Sex AWEmpire Wordpress Widget

by jimmyjimjim
A Wordpress widget that allows a blog to display a live sex feed from AWEmpire. Ideal for making money with a blog and becoming a porn king.


Project:Omega - Tutoriels - Développement - Développer des Widgets Dashboard

by onizuka & 1 other
Tigre a introduit une nouvelle fonctionnalité appelée Dashboard qui donne naissance à une nouvelle classe unique de mini-applications appelées Widgets.

Making a Dashboard Widget to Display Live Sales Information

by onizuka
I decided this afternoon that it was time to try my hand at creating an OS X Dashboard widget to show me live sales information from one of my client’s online stores. To my surprise, I found that this was a lot easier than I thought it was going to be: everyone should be making Dashboard widgets! So here’s how I did it.

Dashboard Reference

by onizuka
This document contains reference material for creating Dashboard widgets. It documents the JavaScript objects available to widgets and the interfaces used to configure and extend the behavior of a widget. It also covers the Objective-C interface used to create widget plug-ins.

Dashboard Reference

by onizuka
This document contains reference material for creating Dashboard widgets. It documents the JavaScript objects available to widgets and the interfaces used to configure and extend the behavior of a widget. It also covers the Objective-C interface used to create widget plug-ins.


PUBLIC TAGS related to tag widget

blog +   BSP +   community +   opera +   photo +   sns +   videos +   web2site +   websites +  

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